Additional requirements for a candidate for a job. What requirements in vacancies are considered illegal

Any HR strategy dictates to the HR manager a certain "quality" level the personnel he selects, respectively, the quality of employees is determined by three factors:

1. Professional qualities. A candidate who meets the requirements of the company in terms of his professional qualities has sufficient skills, knowledge and experience to solve the problems facing the organization.

2. Personal qualities characterize how a person "fits" into the organization.

3. Motivation. A person must be motivated to perform the work that is offered to him.

Requirements for candidates are formulated on the basis of:

job description;

a qualification card;

models of competence;

models of the workplace;

Job description is one of the types of formalization of requirements for candidates and is a document describing the main functions of an employee occupying a particular workplace.

Qualification Card includes a set of qualification characteristics (education, knowledge of special skills - a foreign language, a computer, knowledge of specific methods, etc.) that an employee holding this position must possess. It is a more convenient tool than the job description as selection criteria, but does not take into account personal characteristics and professional development potential. Therefore, often a qualification card is supplemented with a competency model.

Model (profile) of competencies. Now this approach to personnel assessment, according to competence, is the most common.

The competencies are:

Personal characteristics of a person, his ability to perform certain functions, types of behavior and social roles, such as orientation to the interests of the client, the ability to work in a group, etc. .

Something that a person must be able to do in order to cope with their job responsibilities in the company.

individual - personal characteristics (for example, the ability to work in a team, creativity, communication skills), and skills (for example, the ability to negotiate or the ability to draw up business plans).

Personnel assessment is carried out in two directions:

personal characteristics (behavioral competencies);

assessment of knowledge and skills in the professional field.

On the basis of the job description, qualification card and competency model, another effective tool for determining the requirements for candidates for a vacant position is compiled - a workplace model.

Workplace model (Figure 1) is a set of job characteristics that gives a general picture of what a candidate needs to work in this position, as well as working conditions.

The workplace model can have the following structure:

1. Personnel data - gender, age, social status (origin).

2. Experience - professional or social.

3. Professional knowledge and skills - are determined through an interview, as well as through business games and practical exercises.

4. Personal qualities - a set of business qualities and shortcomings of an employee, determined by interview and testing.

5. Psychology of personality - personality type, temperament, motivation; determined by interview and testing.

6. Level of qualification - specialty, level of education, advanced training.

7. Organization of labor - working premises, technical means, official transport.

8. Remuneration - salary, allowances, bonuses and rewards.

9. Social benefits - payment for rest, food, transport, etc.

10. Social guarantees - disability benefits, insurance, benefits in case of dismissal, etc.

To search for a candidate of the required "quality" in each specific case, search tactics must be developed; at the same time, it depends and is chosen on the basis of the company's willingness to vary its requirements along three coordinates: quality; price; time.

Detailed characteristics allow you to formulate the minimum and maximum requirements for a future employee for a specific vacancy. Consider the following portrait of a potential employee as an example. Job Title: Sales Manager. 1. Age up to 35 years. Higher technical education. 2. Experience in the sale of technological equipment (pumps) from two years. Knowledge of the equipment market structure, main suppliers and competitors. 3. Knowledge of the technological characteristics of the equipment, the main problems of operation and ways to resolve them. 4. Ability to conduct business negotiations. Professional skills in sales (special training is possible). Knowledge of English at the level of reading technical documentation. Computer proficiency at the level of a confident user. Ability to read technical documentation. 5. Sociability, sociability, mobility, the desire for professional growth and higher wages. 6. High stress resistance, switchability, tolerance. 7. Good level of physical fitness. Pleasant appearance. Absence of chronic diseases. 8. A prerequisite is successful professional experience in previous jobs. 9. Absence of bad habits and inclinations. Non-smoker. 10. Willingness to work irregular working hours, seven days a week if necessary. By studying an expert survey of several thousand managers and specialists of small businesses, typical models of jobs for the management personnel of a small business have been developed (see Table - Models of jobs for staff of a small business).

Recruitment- the organization's actions to recruit candidates who meet the necessary requirements for a vacant job, as well as the formation of a reserve of candidates for personnel selection.

The main purpose of the recruitment is to create a certain reserve of candidates, from which in the future the organization could select a person who fully meets the requirements of the position or workplace.

The selection process aims to find the most suitable employees and exclude those who are not capable of performing professional activities corresponding to a particular vacant position.

For these purposes, methods such as filling out a questionnaire, analyzing data from a work book, personal conversations of employees of the personnel department and representatives of the administration with the applicant, characteristics from a previous job and recommendations from people who know the applicant are used.

Recruitment (reception, selection, registration) of personnel for work- this is a rather complicated process, which in practice is often simplified and comes down only to viewing documents, an interview and immediately signing an admission order. What should be the documents? You should have the answer to the question even before you write the announcement, at the end of which you need to give instructions on the application form such as: "Write me with your CV" or "Call me for an informal conversation." The choice should be determined not by your personal motives, but by the type of vacancy and the information that will help you make the right choice.

The recruitment process depends on the factors of the external and internal environment, they determine: intensity, speed, direction of recruitment.

To factors external environment include indicators such as:

Legislative restrictions. The state establishes minimum requirements for the employer, which he must adhere to when attracting employees to the organization (prohibition of discrimination based on gender, race, nationality, religion; establishing a quota of jobs for people with disabilities, youth);

situation in the labor market. The number of people involved in the organization depends on: the number and composition of the workforce with the necessary qualifications;

The location of the organization, the number of people who want to work in it, the range of choice of labor force depends on the region.

To factors internal environment relate:

personnel policy of the organization - principles, directions of work with personnel, availability of strategic personnel programs (lifetime employment);

The image of the organization, its image, how attractive it is as a place of work.

In practice, such a concept as an alternative to hiring is widely used, that is, the performance of work without replenishing the staff of the organization:

personnel leasing, that is, the involvement of employees of specialized companies to perform the required organization of work for an indefinite amount of time;

overtime work;

combination of professions;

Structural reorganization or the use of new production schemes;

temporary hire;

· attraction of special firms for realization of some kinds of activity.

There are two types of sources of recruitment: internal - at the expense of the employees of the organization itself and external - at the expense of the resources of the external environment.

Internal recruitment:

Strengthens employees' self-confidence;

Promotes productivity;

Provides employment;

Saves money.

External sources are the most common, since the company's resources are limited, and even if there is a replacement within the company for a vacant position, the place of the employee who occupied the first vacancy is vacated.

External sources can be conditionally divided into two classes: inexpensive and expensive. Inexpensive sources include, for example, government employment agencies, contacts with higher education institutions. Expensive sources include, for example, recruitment agencies, publications in the media (print, radio, television).

There are free - from the applicants themselves or Internet portals dedicated to the publication of vacancies and resumes of applicants.

There are the following types of external sources:

1. Through your employees. Attracting candidates for a vacant position on the recommendations of friends and relatives working in the company, as well as former employees of the organization.

2. "Independent" candidates - people who are looking for work on their own without contacting agencies and employment services - they themselves call the organization, send their resumes, etc. Many organizations organize open days, and also take part in job fairs and exhibitions in order to attract "independent" candidates.

3. Advertising in the media. The most common method of recruiting about a vacancy in the organization, the applicant applies directly to the organization: periodicals (newspapers and magazines - general and specialized professional) and the Internet (servers of resumes of candidates and vacancies), television and radio. The advantage of this method is a wide audience coverage.

4. Educational institutions. Many large organizations are geared towards recruiting college graduates with no work experience, but are a vibrant, well-trained, low-cost labor force. The peculiarities of the recruitment of graduates are related to the fact that in the absence of professional competencies, personal competencies are assessed, such as the ability to plan, analyze, personal motivation, etc.

5. Public employment services (labor exchanges). Databases are maintained containing information about applicants (their biographical, qualification characteristics, etc.). Organizations to search in them at low cost, but with a small coverage of candidates, not all are registered with employment services.

6. Recruitment Agencies, Private Employment Agencies. Each agency maintains its own database and searches for candidates at the request of client-employers.

7. Services of temporary personnel. Agencies provide companies with temporary employees for the period of temporary disability of a permanent employee of the organization and the inability to replace him with another full-time employee. On a temporary basis on the condition of staff leasing.

For each vacant position, it is advisable to prepare detailed information, which may include: advertising information on organizations (for transfer to the candidate); workplace model; job description; sample employment contract; department staffing table.

Regulations on the division may be used at any stage in addition to the information given in the announcement. Some companies send the first two documents along with the application form or in response to a phone call, while others send the complete package with a letter inviting the applicant for an interview. The advantage of the letter is that all applicants have the same information before the interview. It is important to decide whether the candidate for the job offer needs to know such details.

Remember to have a copy of the requirements for the employee in this position at hand. The list of requirements will be the tool used for evaluation at any stage of selection. This document is not normally sent to the applicant, but should be available to everyone involved in the proficiency assessment, unless you have a standard form that lists the questions asked and the information required.

You can save a lot of time if you prepare a standard form with a few basic headings. Using job descriptions and requirements for the employee in this position, you can prepare such a form in accordance with the characteristics of a particular job, if necessary. The standard form will allow you to request biographical information or ask the applicant to call and at the same time provide a basis for comparison, just like the job application form. As a result, you will get a starting point for building a formal interview. Any form with a set of questions should have a minimum list of information about the candidate regarding his person, professional training and advanced training; previous employment; work at present; other work experience relevant to the position; interests and hobbies; employee coordinates (address, phone).

You should clearly indicate where and to whom the completed form should be returned, how it should be completed (for example, pencil is excluded when photocopying, but black ink will do) and the deadline for returning it. Many organizations ask this question: “How did you hear about this job?” or “Where did you see the job ad?” The answer can help you evaluate the effectiveness of your recruiting methods. Seeking references is also a common practice, but don't be surprised if people are reluctant to provide you with this information early in the selection process, or won't let you contact anyone until they receive a formal job offer. Some employees believe that their bosses view the search for a new job as a violation requiring dismissal. Recommendations allow you to verify the information you have received, such as: length of service (indicating breaks in employment), types of employment and actual work experience, missing information, business qualities.

For some professions, such as driving, you may also be required to undergo a medical examination. However, this can be costly, so consider how necessary this information is. If your job offer is conditional on satisfactory references and/or medical examination results, you must state this clearly. Be aware that interviewees do not always respond quickly and may need instructions on providing the information requested. A short telephone conversation can save a lot of time, but be sure to write down the results of the conversation.

It should be noted that your potential employees may also pursue their own goal - to determine whether they want to work for you. For them, the details are very important, and very little effort is required to ensure that this step runs smoothly and efficiently.

After attracting a certain number of candidates, the process of evaluating them and choosing the one who best suits the available job begins.

It is customary for rejected candidates to send rejection letters. Examples of such letters are presented below.

“Dear Mr. Vasiliev!

Thank you for responding to our recruitment ad. We sincerely appreciate your interest. Your qualifications and capabilities have been compared with those of other job applicants. Their experience and qualifications are more in line with our requirements, so we regret to inform you that we cannot consider your candidacy further. Thank you again for your interest in our firm and working for it. You have many merits and we wish you every success.”

And another example:

“Dear Mrs. Zimina!

It was a great pleasure to talk with you on the phone, to discuss your opportunities and interest in working in our company. Having carefully compared your experience and qualifications with the characteristics of other applicants, we, unfortunately, are forced to inform you that we cannot conduct further negotiations with you. It was difficult for us to make this decision, and we regret that we could not choose your candidacy, which was not due to your capabilities, but to our specific requirements, which other candidates meet to a greater extent. We know that you have many virtues, good luck will accompany you, and you will find a place and a position worthy of you. Thank you for your interest in our company and for contacting us in your job search. We wish you every success."

Personnel selection

Personnel selection is the second stage of recruitment. Selection represents process rational choice based on the study and evaluation of the professional and personal qualities of applicants, those of them who best meet its requirements and suitability for performing duties in a particular workplace or position.

The objectives of the selection are:

Hiring employees with fresh ideas (“new blood”);

Attracting people for promising work;


The selection is influenced by the organization's need for personnel and the situation in the market. It requires studying the position (workplace) and determining the required personal and business qualities of employees.

In the practice of work of managers with personnel, there are four basic schemes for filling positions:

replacement by experienced managers and specialists selected outside the organization;

· replacement by young specialists, university graduates;

Promotion to a higher position "from the inside", with the aim of filling the resulting vacancy;

· Combination of promotion with rotation in the framework of the preparation of the "reserve of leaders".

All selection methods can be conditionally divided into two groups:

Active methods include interviewing, observing, testing. The initial data for them are passive methods;

Passive methods include the study of a personal file (obtaining the necessary information, characteristics, references), questioning.

Whole selection is subdivided into two directions:

1. Primary selection begins with an analysis of the list of candidates in terms of their compliance with the requirements of the organization for a future employee. The main purpose of the primary selection is to screen out candidates who do not have the minimum set of characteristics necessary to fill a vacant position.

Primary selection methods depend on the goals, budget of the organization, vacant position. The most common primary selection methods are as follows:

· Analysis of personal data.

· Testing. Currently, there are a huge number of tests aimed at determining personality traits. In the most general form, they can be combined into several groups:

ability tests (examine knowledge, intellectual abilities);

tests of skills and abilities (study of hand-eye coordination);

aesthetic tests (identification of musical, literary preferences);

physiological tests (electrocardiogram);

random observations (accuracy of writing, restlessness, number of vague answers), etc.

· Non-traditional evaluation methods. These include handwriting examination, polygraph, astrological forecasting, graphology.

The initial selection stage ends with the creation of a limited list of candidates.

2. Secondary selection- the process of selecting candidates from a limited list.

The most common method of secondary selection is interviews of various types: bibliographic, situational, criteria.

The wording of the questions largely determines the success of the interview. There are the following types of questions:

· Closed questions. The answers to them are "yes" and "no". For example, “Do you have a higher education?”. These questions are useful when you need to check basic facts or continue a conversation with a nervous person.

· Open questions. They begin with the words "how", "what", "why". For example, "why do you want to work in our organization?". They force a person to speak more, give him the opportunity to express his opinions. As a result, the interviewer receives a lot of information.

· Limited questions. They begin with the words "where", "what", "when". For example, "Which university did you graduate from?" These questions can be used to establish facts.

· Hypothetical questions. Formulated as follows: "What would you do if ...?". They can help evaluate how a person behaves in a work environment. However, it should be remembered that in a real situation the reaction may be different.

Difficult questions. For example, a question about hobbies and free time at the same time can confuse the candidate, as he will not know which part of the question to answer first.

· Suggestive questions. Specify in advance the answers to be given. They should be avoided. For example, “I like proactive employees. How often do you take the initiative?

In practice, there are several main types of interview:

· According to the scheme - conversations are somewhat limited, the information received does not give a broad picture of the applicant, the course of the conversation cannot be adapted to the characteristics of the candidate, constrains him, narrows the possibilities for obtaining information.

· Weakly formalized - only the main questions are prepared in advance, the moderator has the opportunity to include other, unplanned questions, flexibly changing the course of the conversation. The interviewer should be better prepared in order to be able to see and record the reactions of candidates, to choose from the spectrum of possible exactly those issues that currently deserve more attention.

· Not according to the scheme - only a list of topics that should be touched upon is prepared in advance. For an experienced interviewer, such a conversation is a huge source of information.

The interview process consists of several stages:

The first stage is the preparation of the interview. The list of questions to be asked, the place and time of the interview are determined. The success of the interview depends on the quality of preparation by 80%.

· The second stage concerns direct communication between the candidate for a vacant position and the interviewer. It takes about 15% of the total time of its implementation. The main methods of the interviewer's work are: encouragement, approval of the applicant, avoidance of critical, negative assessments.

· The third stage - the main part of the interview (about 80% of the total time of the conversation) is to obtain the most complete information from the candidate. The representative of the organization listens more than he talks and does not leave any details unanswered.

· The fourth stage is the final (about 5% of the interview time), the end of the conversation, debriefing. The main task of the interviewer is to avoid grading the applicant.

Consider the main types of interview, which can be applied to an employee in a procedure such as interview:

  • Biographical interview.

The main task is to find out the candidate's past experience in order to predict his capabilities and abilities, to clarify various aspects of the candidate's professional activity that are not disclosed in the resume.

  • situational interview.

The candidate is asked to solve several practical situations (hypothetical or real problems). This method allows you to identify the general and analytical abilities of the candidate, the approaches he uses to solve non-standard problems and the ability to get out of difficult situations.

  • Structured interview.

The main goal is to identify the professional and personal qualities of the candidate according to a pre-developed structured list of questions. The most common type, can combine elements of all other types of interviews.

  • Competency interview.

The main goal is to determine the level of compliance of the candidate with the key competencies necessary for work in this organization and in this position. To determine the level of competence, as well as the possibilities for its development, the interviewer refers to the past experience of the candidate during the interview.

  • Stress interview.

The main goal is to assess the candidate for stress resistance, the ability to behave correctly in provocative, stressful situations, the speed and efficiency of decision-making, etc. The candidate is asked provocative, incorrect questions, in uncomfortable and uncomfortable conditions (in noisy rooms), when the applicant constantly has to be distracted and it is difficult to concentrate. For example, “Are you sure you deserve the salary you are applying for?” or “Why should we hire you?” etc. This type of interview is conducted by two or more interviewers, with the participation of line managers, which increases the stress component. This methodology is usually used to evaluate candidates for positions in which you have to work in non-standard situations (for example, a receptionist, a security officer, etc.).

Let's highlight three points that should always be remembered. First, the selection of personnel must be considered in the context of the overall planning of the organization, just as you do when considering an investment in a new plant or equipment. Secondly, a well-structured approach based on the strict implementation of the Regulations on the Procedure for Recruitment of Personnel is more likely to lead to success. Finally, each of the steps in this process is important and can help reduce staffing costs and reduce the chance of failure. Selecting the right people is an important step in building any business, but retaining and developing employees in the best interests of the organization is critical to successful HR management.

The selected candidate is made an official offer of employment with information about the place and period of work, the date it began, the name of the position, subordination, the amount and procedure for paying wages, benefits, vacations, probationary period. This kind of document reduces the likelihood of future conflict situations. If a candidate is not suitable for one position, he can be offered others; in case of disagreement - refuse, fixing the reason, or conduct new negotiations.

After the successful completion of the recruitment and selection procedures with the candidate corresponding to the necessary requirements of the organization, an employment contract is concluded, and he is inducted- gets to work.

As noted in previous lectures, in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Labor Code of the Russian Federation), an employment contract must be concluded with each employee of the organization.

Employment contract- an agreement between the employer and the employee, according to which the employer undertakes to provide the employee with work according to the stipulated labor function, to ensure the working conditions provided for by the Labor Code, to pay him wages in a timely manner and in full, and the employee undertakes to perform the labor function determined by this agreement, to comply with internal labor regulations in force in the organization.

The content of the employment contract is a range of conditions under which the use of the employee's labor is supposed and about which the parties (employee and employee) agree. An organization (legal entity) or a citizen (individual) in need of the labor of hired workers acts as an employer, and persons who have reached the age of 15 act as an employee; in exceptional cases - persons who have reached the age of 14 with the consent of one of the parents (guardian, custodian).

After the conclusion of the contract, the induction takes place . Under induction understood the whole recruitment process on the first day in a new place, his acquaintance with the rules and procedures of work, with employees and his immediate responsibilities, as well as with the traditions and culture of the employing company

Professional orientation and adaptation of the personnel of the organization

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In accordance with the Federal Law of November 30, 2011 No. 342-FZ "On service in the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation and amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation":

1. Citizens of at least 18 years of age, regardless of gender, race, nationality, origin, property and official status, place of residence, attitude to religion, beliefs, membership in public associations, who speak the state language of the Russian Federation, have the right to enter the service in the internal affairs bodies, corresponding to the qualification requirements established by this Federal Law, capable of performing the official duties of an employee of the internal affairs bodies due to their personal and business qualities, physical fitness and health status.

2. Enrollment in an educational organization of higher education of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs for full-time training in the position of a cadet, student is admission to the service in the internal affairs bodies. Citizens who have not reached the age of 18 have the right to enter educational organizations of higher education of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs for full-time education.

3. The age limit for entering the service in the internal affairs bodies is established:

1) to fill positions in internal affairs bodies - 35 years;

2) for admission to educational organizations of higher education of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs for full-time education - 25 years.

4. Positions in the internal affairs bodies are divided into:

1) positions of the highest commanding staff;

2) positions of senior commanding staff;

3) positions of the middle commanding staff;

4) positions of junior commanding staff;

5) positions of the rank and file.

5. The number of qualification requirements for positions in the internal affairs bodies, established in accordance with the composition of positions in the internal affairs bodies, includes requirements for the level of education, length of service in the internal affairs bodies or length of service (experience) in the specialty, professional knowledge and skills, the state of health of employees of the internal affairs bodies, necessary for the performance of duties in the position to be replaced.

Qualification requirements for positions in the internal affairs bodies provide for the presence of secondary general education for positions of the rank and file and junior commanding staff, education not lower than secondary professional, corresponding to the direction of activity, for positions of senior and higher commanding staff, higher education corresponding to direction of activity.

Among the qualification requirements for positions of middle and senior commanding staff, which are included in the list of positions approved by the head of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs, the performance of duties for which provides for the investigation or organization of investigation of criminal cases, administrative investigation, consideration of cases of administrative offenses or conducting anti-corruption and legal expertise, including the presence of a higher legal education. In exceptional cases and under the conditions established by the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs, persons with other higher education and work experience that allow them to perform official duties may be appointed to these positions.

6. A citizen cannot be accepted for service in the internal affairs bodies in cases where he:

1) has a residence permit or other document confirming the right to his permanent residence in the territory of a foreign state;

2) is a suspect or accused in a criminal case;

3) repeatedly during the year preceding the day of entering the service in the internal affairs bodies, was subjected to administrative punishment in court for intentionally committed administrative offenses;

4) was subjected to criminal prosecution, which was terminated in relation to him due to the expiration of the statute of limitations, in connection with the reconciliation of the parties (except for criminal cases of private prosecution, terminated at least three years before the day he entered the service in the internal affairs bodies), as a result of the act on amnesty, in connection with active repentance, except in cases where, at the time of consideration of the issue of the possibility of accepting the service, the crime of an act previously committed by him has been eliminated by criminal law;

5) does not agree to comply with restrictions and prohibitions, perform duties and bear responsibility if these restrictions, prohibitions, duties and liability are established for employees of internal affairs bodies by this Federal Law and other federal laws;

6) has been declared legally incompetent or partially incapacitated by a court decision that has entered into legal force;

7) has been convicted for a crime by a court verdict that has entered into legal force, and also has a criminal record, including that which has been expunged or extinguished;

8) refused to go through the procedure for issuing access to information constituting state and other secrets protected by law, if the performance of official duties in the position to be occupied is associated with the use of such information;

9) does not meet the requirements for the state of health of employees of internal affairs bodies, established by the head of the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs;

10) is in close relationship or property (parents, spouses, children, brothers, sisters, as well as brothers, sisters, parents, children of spouses and spouses of children) with an employee of the internal affairs bodies, if the position is associated with direct subordination or control of one of them to another;

11) lost the citizenship of the Russian Federation;

12) acquired or has citizenship (nationality) of a foreign state;

13) submitted forged documents or deliberately false information when entering the service in the internal affairs bodies.

7. Citizens of the Russian Federation entering the service in the internal affairs bodies undergo psychophysiological examinations, testing for alcohol, drug and other toxic dependence in the manner determined by the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs.

8. For a citizen of the Russian Federation entering the service of the internal affairs bodies, a personal guarantee is issued, which consists in a written obligation of an employee of the internal affairs bodies with at least three years of service that he vouches for the specified citizen of the Russian Federation to comply with the restrictions and prohibitions established for police officers by this Federal Law and other federal laws. The procedure for issuing a personal guarantee is determined by the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs.

9. A personal file is drawn up for an employee of the internal affairs bodies. The procedure for maintaining personal files of employees of internal affairs bodies and the procedure for centralized accounting of personal data of employees of internal affairs bodies and citizens of the Russian Federation entering the service of internal affairs bodies are determined by the federal executive body in the field of internal affairs.

10. An employee of the internal affairs bodies takes the Oath of an employee of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation.

11. Appointment to the positions of the highest commanding staff of the internal affairs bodies and dismissal from these positions are carried out by the President of the Russian Federation.

At the moment, in any civilized country, including our republic, certain concepts and understandings of how an employee should behave and what requirements he should meet have been formed. As a rule, each job has its own rules of conduct, which may differ not only in different industries, but also within enterprises and firms in the same industry. But despite this, in the labor market today there are basic requirements that apply to every employee without exception. We will get acquainted with such basic requirements in this article.

requirements for any employee.

The current pace of economic development has led to the fact that employers began to impose increasingly stringent requirements on applicants for vacancies, select more carefully and treat their employees more carefully. Continuous improvement in the field of personnel management, in terms of recruitment, allows for a deeper assessment of the employee at the stage of employment in comparison with the recent past. There are more and more requirements for applicants, but all of them, as a rule, depend on the specifics of the position for which you are applying. Whether it's height from 170 cm, the presence of a motorcycle or knowledge of the Latin language - as a rule, you are ready for them from the very beginning when you choose a certain type of work. With all their diversity, there are a number of basic basic requirements that are common to all categories of workers:

1. Absence of bad habits.

First of all, it is the absence of bad habits. If in relation to smoking some employers are even more loyal to employees and may not attach much importance to this, then alcoholism and drug addiction are absolutely unacceptable. The reality is that if your work book contains a record of dismissal for drunkenness, it will be extremely difficult for you to find a decent job.

2. Appearance.

Appearance also plays an important role. Legislatively, appearance cannot be a reason for refusing employment. But this is undoubtedly an important point, because employees are the “face” of the company. Often, even at the level of an HR manager, a decision is made that the applicant is not suitable precisely because of the inconsistency with the style and culture of the company. So, for example, people with extraordinary hairstyles (like a Mohawk, bald, with brightly colored hair), with an abundance of tattoos and other ambiguous external data find it more difficult to get jobs related to working with clients, contractors or business partners. Untidyness also belongs to this category: unironed clothes, dirty shoes, unwashed hair, untidy nails. In this case, the probability of getting rejected increases significantly. And even if you do not have a business suit and shirt, for an interview it is enough to choose a clean, ironed outfit that will not catch your eye, will not be frankly defiant. And generally will not attract the attention of a recruiter. This undoubtedly applies to current employees who suddenly decided to change something in themselves.

3. You can't lie!

Not on a resume, not in an interview, not in the course of work. Be sure - the truth will be revealed, now there are many methods that allow you to convict you of a lie. Usually, the recruiter checks all your answers not 1, but 2-3 times during the interview, asking questions using a special technique. Most double-check the information received from applicants when they call recommenders from the last 2-3 jobs. And far from always it will be exactly the people you indicated. Through simple techniques, hr-managers independently reach out to persons who can give any feedback about you. Increasingly, there are companies that use polygraphs (lie detectors) at interviews, especially for positions that involve liability. Be sure - having caught you in a lie, the employer will not want to continue further relationships.

4. Conflict.

Conflict is also one of the most common reasons for refusing employment and a reason for dismissal. Who wants to work with an aggressor or just a person prone to swearing and scandals? Such a candidate is not difficult to identify even at the interview stage, in such stressful situations it is much harder to control your emotions. Somewhere they specially arrange a stress interview, and somewhere the applicant himself begins to be rude and allow himself emotional statements. Especially often this “pops up” when the candidate begins to explain the reasons for dismissal or simply speaks about his past employer.

There are studies in which the conflict of a person was correlated with his blood type. So, knowing the blood type, we can assume whether a person is prone to conflicts:

For the first blood group

For the second group s blood

For the third blood type

For the fourth blood group

In order to more accurately determine your degree of conflict, we recommend passing a specialized psychological test

5. Decency.

Decency is usually very closely related to conflict. And most often recruiters evaluate it by how you speak about your past employers, bosses, and team. But it can also be traced in a conversation with recommenders. Inside the company, such people will never allow themselves to publicly discuss and condemn the leader and colleagues, spread rumors, provoke conflicts between other people.

6. Sociability, or to be more precise, the ability to communicate adequately.

It is extremely difficult to work with overly reserved people. After all, the success of any work depends on receiving feedback, whether it be a cleaner, a janitor, or even a sales manager. In the process of any work activity, there is a need for communication, the so-called internal communications, which are the key to the effectiveness of the interaction of any team and manager-subordinate relations.

And although the requirements for higher or at least secondary education, age, gender or work experience have become so familiar to us, they are by no means mandatory for all positions.

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Automation of the creation of vacancies and applications for recruitment in the information system "Salary and HR Management KORP 3.1" (hereinafter - ZUP KORP) begins with the creation of a position profile.

A position profile is needed so that managers and employees rely on uniform and accurate position data. The position profile gives an understanding of what knowledge, skills and personal qualities an applicant for a position or an already working employee should ideally have.

The job profile can be used as a template for creating a job posting. With it, it is convenient to create several similar vacancies.

Based on the job profile, different managers can create requisitions to inform the HR department that there are not enough employees. Many data from the position profile can be transferred automatically to the recruitment request.

Figure 1. Functions and characteristics are indicated in the job profile

Function. Specify functions in the position profile. Functions are the duties of an employee. For example, in the profile of the position "Sales Manager" you can specify the functions: determines the sources of customer search, enters customer data into the database, negotiates sales, concludes an agreement.

Characteristic. Each function consists of a set of characteristics. There are four types of characteristics: knowledge, skills, personal qualities, etc. In the program, types of characteristics can be distinguished by icons.

For example, for the function “Negotiates a sale”, you can name the characteristics of the following types:

  • knowledge - knowledge of the product, knowledge of the company's negotiation standards;
  • skills - flexibility in negotiations, the ability to convince, the ability to work with objections;
  • personal qualities - politeness, stress resistance, result orientation.

The “Other” type includes, for example, the following characteristics: work experience, the presence of a diploma of education, the presence of a driver’s license.

It is the presence or absence of certain characteristics that we check with a candidate in order to understand how suitable he is for a vacant position. To assess the knowledge, skills and personal qualities of a candidate, various questionnaires can be created in the ZUP KORP.

Not all characteristics from the job profile can be checked with a candidate. For example, consider the characteristic "Knowledge of corporate culture". The candidate cannot have such knowledge. But the new employee must know the corporate culture. Then such a characteristic can be marked as a characteristic for training, and not for testing. Later, if the candidate is hired, we will train him.

In ZUP KORP, for the convenience of work, characteristics can be combined competencies and groups.

Weight. The characteristic needs to determine the weight. Weight shows how important it is to have a characteristic for a vacant position for a particular candidate. The greater the weight of the characteristic, the more important it is for the candidate to own it. After the candidate passes the survey, the system will calculate by weight in percentage terms how much the candidate has this or that characteristic.

Requirement, obligation, condition. In the job profile, you can write requirements, responsibilities and conditions. These fields are a description of the future vacancy. They are also used when sending vacancies to recruiting sites. Requirements are what the candidate must know and be able to do. Responsibilities are what the candidate will need to do when he starts working in the company. Conditions - under what conditions you will need to work.

You can create a new job profile from start to finish by yourself or based on a profile taken from the library.

Figure 2. Position profile can be selected from the library

Stage of work with candidates. In the position profile, you can define the stages of work with candidates. The stages need to be defined in such a way that it is convenient to track the work, to understand where the work is with each of the candidates, what has been done, what needs to be done.

For example, the stages of working with candidates for the position of a programmer:

    1. telephone interview,
    2. Programming testing,
    3. Logic testing,
    4. Interview with HR manager
    5. interview with the manager,
    6. Preparing a job offer
    7. Registration for work.

Figure 3. Stages of work in the position profile

Questionnaire. You can add a questionnaire to any stage of work. In the questionnaire we write questions, criteria for their evaluation and keys. For example, let's add the question to the questionnaire: “Imagine that you went to a meeting with an ordinary procurement specialist, and instead of him a fairly high-level manager meets with you. Will your original negotiation plan change? Why? As?". The criterion for evaluating the candidate's answer to this question will be "Adjustment to the client", and the keys "Don't know", "Does not take into account the adjustment", "Takes into account the adjustment".

Figure 4. An example of creating a questionnaire

Based on the results of the survey, we will receive an assessment of the candidate for all characteristics. In addition, we will be able to compare candidates with each other in reports on various sections.