How many calories are in fried potatoes? The benefits and harms of potatoes for the body What is more useful to fry potatoes.

Potatoes are the favorite food of millions of people around the world. Even fans of a healthy diet sometimes like to eat this root crop. Interestingly, some time ago, the root crop was considered unhealthy and even dangerous.

Fried, boiled, baked, stewed - this is only a small part of how this culture can be prepared. Such popularity raises a logical question - are potatoes healthy? From its very appearance, disputes about the benefits and harms of this culture have not stopped. Nutritionists do not recommend its use. But, why is this happening, if so many different and delicious dishes can be prepared from it.

The composition of any product determines its useful properties. The ratio of chemical elements in potatoes depends on its variety. Different species have a certain amount of trace elements and vitamins.

The peculiarity of the root crop is that when exposed to ultraviolet radiation, solanine and chlorophyll are formed in it. When cooking, these toxic substances are not destroyed, and ingested, slowly poison the body.

Most people prefer to eat potatoes fried with bacon and fat. Abuse of such a product can cause a heart attack.

Potatoes have a high concentration of vitamin C. One tuber can replenish half of the daily requirement of ascorbic acid. It also contains potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, and many other useful nutrients. The root crop saturates well, and a person does not feel hungry for a long time: 100 g of potatoes contain 164 kcal.

Young tubers are less nutritious. Accordingly, the longer the potatoes were stored, the greater their calorie content. The share of carbohydrates is about 30%. There is no cholesterol in boiled and baked potatoes, but in fried potatoes the cholesterol content is very high.

The great benefit of potatoes for the body is that its use saturates the body with folic and nicotinic acid, phosphorus, choline and zinc.

The tubers contain alpha-lipoic acid, which has the ability to convert glucose into energy. In addition, this substance is an antioxidant. Scientists claim that it helps improve vasodilation, control blood sugar and protect diabetics from retinopathy.

Folic acid, phosphorus, choline, zinc, tocopherol, thiamine and vitamin PP are present in a small amount in the vegetable. Raw potatoes contain about 12 mg of sodium, less than one percent of the daily requirement for this substance.

Another valuable component is vitamin B6, which ensures the normal process of protein synthesis. This vitamin plays an important role in the functioning of the nervous system, brain and cell regeneration. It protects the heart and prevents the development of cancer.

What are the benefits of potatoes for the body

Information about the benefits and dangers of potatoes will help to appreciate this root crop. Properly cooked vegetable undoubtedly brings great benefits.
Fat-free baked potatoes provide us with fiber, which is a protection against cancer and heart disease.

You can also cook jacket potatoes. Such a dish retains all the beneficial properties of the vegetable. Consolidation of bones is provided by magnesium, phosphorus and calcium. The root crop contains a lot of potassium, which effectively removes salts and excess fluid from the body.

Phosphorus, iron and zinc activate the production of collagen, which makes the skin elastic and toned, and strengthens the musculoskeletal system.

Potatoes keep the joints well lubricated and reduce the risk of fractures. But you should be very careful, because an excess of phosphorus provokes the development of osteoporosis.

People with hypertension can improve their condition with regular metered consumption of the vegetable. One of the beneficial properties of potatoes is a vasodilating effect.

Potato helps with headaches, dizziness, fatigue, stimulates the work of brain neurons, which improves memory, mental activity and concentration.

People who have a lot of physical activity, you need to use the root crop to increase energy and eliminate fatigue. The great benefits of potatoes for problems with the digestive system. It lubricates the walls of the esophagus and stomach, eliminates congestion and swelling, and normalizes stools.

Young potatoes benefit and harm

No less useful and young potatoes. It can be consumed while on a diet. It saturates for a long time and fills the daily need for vitamins and microelements. Thus, a person receives the energy he needs and controls his appetite.

In early fruits, the amount of starch is insignificant, which is the reason for their benefits. But, unlike old potatoes, the peel of young vegetables contains toxic compounds, which is why it is impossible to cook them in their uniforms. When consumed in small portions, tubers are recommended for diabetics and overweight people.

Vegetable juice from young tubers has a mild laxative, diuretic, immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory and expectorant effect. Drinking juice thickens the cell walls and calms the nervous system.

If we compare the contraindications and beneficial properties of potatoes, we can understand that it must be consumed, but in limited quantities.

Use in traditional medicine

The unique chemical composition made the root crop in demand among traditional healers.

  1. Potato has a healing effect. It is enough to attach a slice of a raw vegetable or apply a juice compress to the wound and after a while it will heal.
  2. Potatoes are good for burns.
  3. It is also used to cleanse the intestines.
  4. Fresh juices with the addition of carrots and celery normalize the digestive system.
  5. Ladies use potato masks to whiten their face and eliminate fine lines.

Possible health hazard

Numerous studies show that the harm of potatoes is no less than its benefits.

As already mentioned, green and sprouted potatoes pose a threat to the respiratory and circulatory system. When eating such fruits, muscle cramps, diarrhea and headaches may appear.

It is especially important to know about the dangers of potatoes for the body of people with diabetes. Eating a vegetable with a high glycemic index can cause a spike in blood sugar. But if you eat potatoes with other foods that have a low glycemic index, you can avoid the increase in sugar. Starch can cause gestational diabetes.

Scientists have found that when the root crop is stored in the refrigerator, starch is hydrolyzed to sugars.

People with sore joints should refrain from eating potatoes due to the possible deterioration and progression of the disease.

Do not abruptly stop eating potatoes. You can briefly exclude it from your diet, and then gradually introduce it back. If there are no changes for the worse, then you can safely continue to eat the vegetable.

Why are fried potatoes bad?

For the body, fried potatoes are the most harmful. At temperatures above 120 C, it produces acrylamide, which is found in plastics, cigarette smoke, glues and dyes. This substance can provoke the development of cancerous processes. It also negatively affects reproductive function.

The highest concentration of acrylamide is in potatoes fried with bacon, chips and french fries.

Potatoes are also harmful if consumed in excess. The potassium it contains can accumulate in the body and cause kidney failure. Damaged kidneys cannot excrete potassium, which can be fatal.

The greatest danger of fried potatoes is for pregnant women and their unborn babies.

Cooking features

Since people practically do not use raw potatoes, its benefits and harms to the body from the point of view of cooking are insignificant. More important is information on how to properly prepare a vegetable and what dishes from it are most useful.

When cleaning old tubers, it is necessary to cut off the thick peel, in which the highest concentration of harmful substances. To cleanse the vegetable of nitrates and solanine, it is necessary to roll it in coarse salt.

Sprouted and green potatoes must be thoroughly peeled and a decent layer of pulp removed. But it is better to refrain from using it, because there will be no benefit from it, and the body will slowly poison itself.

The optimum storage temperature for vegetables is 2-6 C.

Vegetables should be cleaned immediately before cooking. Do not keep peeled potatoes in cold water for a long time. With such storage, it loses useful substances.


Cooking fans will be interested in the benefits and harms of boiled potatoes. There is an opinion that when heated, the beneficial properties are completely lost, but this is not entirely true. Boiled potatoes contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals. In addition, after heat treatment, the calorie content and the amount of starch are reduced.

For even cooking, boil the potatoes over low heat. Old fruits are placed in cold water, and young ones in boiling water. You can't boil vegetables again. According to scientists, the most useful potato in their skins.

A boiled vegetable can be eaten in its pure form as a side dish or used to prepare more complex dishes: add to salads, make mashed potatoes, which will become a filling for pies or dumplings.


The main benefit of fried potatoes is their simple and quick preparation. The finished dish is rich in minerals and vitamins, but it is still very harmful if a lot of fat is used for cooking. These potatoes contain a lot of cholesterol.

A plate of fried potatoes can replenish your daily calorie intake. For comparison: one boiled vegetable contains 150 kcal, and if it is fried, the calorie content increases to 480 kcal.


It is worth refraining from frequent frying, it is better to bake potatoes. The baked root vegetable contains healthy fiber, which has an effective fight against cancer cells and cardiovascular diseases. Prepared in this way, it has not only an amazing taste, but also many useful properties.

It is better to bake in the skin, after washing the potatoes.

Potatoes are a delicious food rich in vitamins and minerals. Therefore, do not deny yourself the pleasure of eating them. The main thing is to observe the measure and not eat too much of it. Reasonable use of a vegetable will provide the body with useful substances and will not cause harm.

Fried potatoes


Many people are also interested in olive oil. In this case, the amount will be exactly the same as when frying on sunflower, but in the finished dish there will simply be less harmful carcinogens.

Harm of fried potatoes

Fried potatoes

Fried potatoes are the simplest and most affordable dish that is very popular in our country. Many cannot imagine their life without it. This dish is very tasty and nutritious, has a high energy value, satisfying and inexpensive.

Energy value of fried potatoes

The starch in fried potatoes is the most nutritious component, but it is this that is recommended to be carefully removed after cutting the tubers into slices, washing the potatoes with water before frying. Consider the calorie content of fried potatoes in sunflower oil.


Vegetable oil should be used in a minimal amount - one tablespoon (about 12 g) will be enough. Calories in this amount of sunflower oil are 108 kcal. Many people use more vegetable oil for frying potatoes - up to 50 g. This doubles the calorie content of the finished dish, if you want to avoid this, use a vegetable without frying.

It turns out 519 kcal in 670 g of a peeled vegetable and 100 kcal in 12 g of oil, a total of 627 kcal (91 kcal in 100 g). If you pour 50 g into the pan, the dish will already have 1000 kcal with the same amount of potatoes (133 kcal per 100 g).

The calorie content of fried potatoes in butter is lower, but slightly, since vegetable and butter in calories differ insignificantly.

You can learn about the calorie content of potatoes processed differently from our next article.

To understand whether there is any benefit in potatoes fried in butter or vegetable oil, you need to study the composition of fresh potatoes. Root crops contain useful organic acids and other substances that have a beneficial effect on the body and all its systems.

Harm of fried potatoes

It is a lipid-glycemic product, so if you use it often, you will start to get fat. The fact is that the oil on which the root crop is fried is deposited in the body in the form of fat.

How many calories are in fried potatoes?

In our latitudes, potatoes are called the second bread, as they are present in the diet almost every day. It is prepared separately or added to other dishes, soups, hodgepodges, used as a filling for pies and dumplings.

The benefits and harms of fried potatoes

Among the useful properties of fried potatoes, its composition, saturation with vitamins and minerals stand out: carotene, vitamin C, D and B vitamins, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, bromine, zinc, iron. But the greatest value is potassium, which is found in large quantities in potatoes. You can get a daily dose of potassium if you eat half a kilogram of potatoes. This mineral is responsible for the full functioning of the cardiovascular system, maintains water balance, relieves edema and neutralizes acid residues.

In addition, potatoes contain pectin, useful acids and fiber, which improves digestion and helps cleanse the body. 2% of the mass of potatoes is protein, which consists of amino acids important for the body.

To understand why fried potatoes are harmful, you need to evaluate one more substance that is in its composition. It's about starch. It accounts for 15 to 20% of the weight of the potato. Moreover, in the early varieties of this vegetable, there is less starch than in the later ones.

However, along with the positive properties, potato starch has a big minus: it leads to the accumulation of unspent energy in the form of body fat.

How many calories are in fried potatoes?

The question of how many calories are in fried potatoes worries many people for good reason. After all, even offhand it can be assumed that the combination of a large amount of starch and vegetable oil will lead to high figures for the calorie content of the product.

Of course, such a number of calories will negatively affect the figure. Therefore, with a great desire to eat fried potatoes, it is worth doing it before lunch, when the body is set up for full-fledged work and can use the calories received, rather than put them in reserve.

Potatoes are underground tubers that grow on the roots of a plant called tuberous nightshade (Solanum tuberosum). This plant comes from the nightshade family and is related to tomatoes and tobacco. Native to South America, the potato was brought to Europe in the 16th century and is now grown in countless varieties throughout the world. It is usually eaten boiled, baked or fried. It is prepared in a variety of ways, but is most often served as a side dish or appetizer. Boiled potatoes with skins are a good source of many vitamins and minerals, such as potassium and vitamin C. Below you will find out: potatoes - benefits and harms to the human body, nutritional value and composition, etc.

Potato benefits and harm to the human body

Nutritional value of potatoes

In addition to having a high water level (80%), potatoes are mostly carbohydrates, contain moderate amounts of protein and fiber, and contain virtually no fat.

Below is information on all the key nutrients found in potatoes (1). Here are the facts about the nutritional value and calorie content of boiled potatoes with and without skin per 100 grams of the finished product:

  • Calories: 87
  • Water: 77%
  • Protein: 1.9 g
  • Carbs: 20.1 g
  • Sugar: 0.9 g
  • Fiber: 1.8 g
  • Fat (total): 0.1 g
  • Saturated fat: 0.03 g
  • Monounsaturated fats: 0 g
  • Polyunsaturated fats: 0.04 g
  • Omega-3 fatty acids: 0.01 g
  • Omega-6 fatty acids: 0.03 g
  • Trans fats: ~


Potatoes are mostly carbohydrates, predominantly in the form of starch, ranging from 66 to 90% of dry weight (2, 3, 4).

You can learn about potato starch here - Potato starch: benefits and harms to the body.

Simple sugars like sucrose, glucose and fructose are also present in small amounts (5).

Potatoes usually rank high on the glycemic index, making them unsuitable for diabetics. The glycemic index is a measure of how foods affect blood sugar levels after eating them.

However, in some cases, potatoes can be in the middle range on the glycemic index, depending on the variety and cooking methods (6, 7).

Refrigeration of potatoes after cooking can reduce their impact on blood sugar levels and lower the glycemic index by 25-26% (8, 9).


Carbohydrates are the main dietary component of potatoes. Depending on the variety, potatoes can cause unhealthy spikes in blood sugar levels. Diabetics should limit their intake of this vegetable.


Useful properties of potatoes are also due to the presence of fiber in it. Although potatoes are not high in fiber, they can be a significant source of fiber for those who eat them regularly. The level of fiber (dietary fiber) is higher in the potato skin, which makes up 1-2% of the total mass of the potato. In fact, dried potato skins contain about 50% fiber (10).

Potato dietary fiber is made up primarily of insoluble fiber such as pectins, cellulose, and hemicellulose (11).

They may also contain varying amounts of resistant starch, a type of fiber that feeds friendly bacteria in the colon and improves digestive health ( 12Trusted Source ).

Resistant starch may also improve blood sugar control by smoothing out spikes after eating potatoes ( 13Trusted Source ).

Compared to cooked potatoes served hot, pre-chilled potatoes after cooking contain higher amounts of resistant starch (8).


Potatoes are not a high fiber food. However, potato dishes that have been refrigerated after cooking may contain resistant starch, a type of fiber that can improve colon health.

potato protein

Potatoes contain negligible amounts of protein, approximately 1-1.5% (fresh) and 8-9% (dry) (10, 14).

In fact, compared to other common food crops such as wheat, rice, and corn, potatoes have the lowest amount of protein. Despite their low protein content, the protein quality in potatoes is very high for a plant, which is higher than that of soybeans and other legumes (10).

The main protein in potatoes is called patatin, which can be allergenic for some people (15).


Potatoes contain small amounts of high quality proteins that may be allergenic to some people.

Vitamins and minerals

What are the benefits of potatoes? Potatoes are a good source of several vitamins and minerals, especially potassium and vitamin C. Levels of some vitamins and minerals are reduced by cooking, but this can be minimized by baking or boiling them with their skins on.

  • Potassium: the predominant mineral in the potato, concentrated in the skin. Eating potassium-rich foods may benefit heart health (16, 17).
  • Vitamin C: the main vitamin found in potatoes. Vitamin C levels in this vegetable decrease significantly when heated, but boiling potatoes in their skins appears to reduce this loss ( 16Trusted Source ).
  • Folic acid: concentrated in peel. Potatoes with colored flesh have the highest concentration of folic acid (18).
  • Vitamin B6: a class of B vitamins that are involved in the formation of red blood cells. Vitamin B6 is found in most foods and deficiency is rare.


Potatoes are a good source of several vitamins and minerals, including potassium, vitamin C, folic acid, and vitamin B6.

Other plant compounds

Potatoes are rich in bioactive plant compounds, which are mainly concentrated in their skins. Varieties with purple or red skin and flesh contain the highest amount of antioxidants called polyphenols ( 19Trusted Source ).

  • Chlorogenic acid: major polyphenolic antioxidant in potatoes (19, 20).
  • catechin: An antioxidant that accounts for about one-third of the total polyphenol content. Its concentration is highest in purple potatoes (19, 21).
  • Lutein: Found in yellow-fleshed potatoes, lutein is a carotenoid antioxidant that may be important for eye health (10, 16, 22).
  • Glycoalkaloids: A class of toxic phytonutrients, predominantly solanines and chaconins, produced in potatoes as a natural defense against insects and other threats. In large quantities, they can be harmful to the human body (20).


Potatoes provide the body with some health-promoting antioxidants. Antioxidants are concentrated mainly in the peel of this vegetable.

The benefits of potatoes for the human body

In the context of a healthy diet, potatoes with skins can provide health benefits.

Heart health

Hypertension, a condition characterized by abnormally high blood pressure, is one of the major risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

Potatoes contain a number of minerals and plant compounds that may help lower blood pressure. Of particular note is the high content of potassium in this vegetable.

Several observational studies and randomized controlled trials have linked high potassium intake to a reduced risk of developing hypertension and cardiovascular disease (17, 23, 24).


Eating potatoes can help reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Body weight control

The benefits of potatoes for humans are also due to the fact that this product helps to control body weight. Satiety is the feeling of a full stomach and a feeling of satiety that occurs after eating. Satiating foods that cause a significant feeling of satiety may help with weight management by prolonging the feeling of fullness after eating and reducing food and energy intake (27).

Compared to other carbohydrate-rich foods, potatoes seem to be a particularly satisfying food. One study that compared the satiety index of 40 common foods found boiled potatoes to be the most filling (28).

Another small study in 11 men found that eating boiled potatoes as a side dish with pork steak led to fewer calories at mealtime compared to pasta or white rice ( 29Trusted Source ).

It is unclear what components of potatoes contribute to their satiating effect. However, studies show that a potato protein known as proteinase inhibitor 2 (PI2) can suppress appetite (30, 31).

While PI2 may suppress appetite when taken alone, it is not clear whether trace amounts of PI2 present in potatoes have any effect on appetite.


Potatoes are a nutritious food. For this reason, it may be useful as part of a weight loss diet.

The harm of potatoes to the human body

Eating potatoes is generally considered healthy and safe. However, in some cases, people should limit their intake or avoid it altogether.

Allergy to potatoes

Food allergies are common, characterized by an immune response to proteins in certain foods. Potato allergies are relatively uncommon, but some people may be allergic to patatin, one of the main proteins in potatoes (32, 33).

Some people who are allergic to latex may be sensitive to patatin, a phenomenon known as allergic cross-reactivity (34).


Potatoes can be allergenic for some people, but this is rare.

Glycoalkaloids - potato toxins

Plants in the nightshade family, such as potatoes, contain a class of toxic phytonutrients known as glycoalkaloids. There are two main glycoalkaloids found in potatoes:

  1. solanine
  2. Chakonin

There have been reports of glycoalkaloid poisoning after eating potatoes in both humans and animals (35, 36).

However, reports of toxicity are rare and in many cases the condition may go undiagnosed. At low doses, glycoalkaloids typically cause mild symptoms such as headache, stomach pain, diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting (35).

In more severe cases, symptoms may include:

  • neurological disorders;
  • rapid breathing;
  • fast heartbeat;
  • low blood pressure;
  • fever;
  • and even death (36, 37).

In mice, long-term consumption of glycoalkaloids can increase the risk of cancer in the brain, lungs, breast, and thyroid (38).

Other animal studies suggest that low levels of glycoalkaloids, which can be found in the human diet, may exacerbate inflammatory bowel disease (39).

Generally, potatoes contain only trace amounts of glycoalkaloids. A person weighing 70 kg would have to eat more than 2 kg of potatoes (with skin) in one day to get a lethal dose (37).

However, fewer potatoes can cause adverse symptoms. Glycoalkaloids levels are elevated in the skin and sprouts compared to other parts of the potato. Eating potato shoots should be avoided (37, 40).

Potatoes rich in glycoalkaloids taste bitter and cause a burning sensation in the mouth, which may be a warning of potential toxicity (41, 42).


Depending on the varieties of potatoes and how they are stored, potato skin and sprouts can be toxic due to the high amount of glycoalkaloids.


Acrylamides are substances formed in carbohydrate-rich foods when they are cooked at very high temperatures, such as during frying or baking (45).

The amount of acrylamides increases at higher temperatures during frying (47).

Compared to other foods, fried potatoes, french fries, and potato chips are high in acrylamides, making them major sources of these substances (48).

Acrylamides, which are used as industrial chemicals, have been reported to be toxic with contact dermatitis and polyneuropathy with blue extremities in people exposed to them in the workplace (49, 50, 51).

Although the amount of acrylamides in foods is usually low, some experts are concerned about their long-term effects on the human body. Animal studies indicate that acrylamides may increase the risk of cancer, in addition to having neurotoxic effects (52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57).

In humans, acrylamides have been classified as a possible risk factor for cancer (45).

Numerous observational studies have examined the effect of eating acrylamide-rich foods on cancer risk in humans. Most of these studies have not identified any significant side effects (58, 59, 60, 61).

In contrast, in several studies, acrylamides have been associated with an increased risk of breast (62), ovarian (63, 64), kidney (65), oral (66) and esophageal (67) cancers.

High consumption of acrylamides may have adverse health effects over time, but the extent of these effects is unclear and further research is needed.

For optimal health, it seems reasonable to limit your intake of french fries and potato chips.


Chips contain compounds called acrylamides, which can increase the risk of cancer. For this reason, the consumption of french fries and potato chips should be limited.

French fries and potato chips

Potatoes have been blamed for promoting obesity, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. The main reason for this is that this vegetable is widely consumed in the form of french fries and potato chips - foods high in fat and a number of harmful components. French fries are also often associated with fast food.

Observational studies have linked consumption of fried potatoes and potato chips with weight gain (68, 69).

Chips and potato chips can also contain acrylamides, glycoalkaloids, and high amounts of salt, which can have harmful health effects (45, 70, 71).

For this reason, eating large amounts of fried potatoes, especially french fries and chips, should be avoided.


French fries and chips contain many unhealthy ingredients. Their consumption should be limited.


Potatoes are a popular high carbohydrate food consumed all over the world.

It is a good source of several health-promoting vitamins, minerals, and plant compounds, and may be helpful for weight control. It can also help prevent the development of cardiovascular disease.

These beneficial effects do not extend to fried potatoes (french fries and chips) that have been soaked in oil and cooked at very high temperatures. For optimal health, consumption of these types of meals and snacks should be limited or eliminated altogether.

We examined the benefits and harms of potatoes for the human body in terms of proven scientific data. Based on these data, you can draw conclusions about which potatoes are good and which are bad.

Fried potatoes harm

  1. bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes.

In our latitudes, potatoes are called the second bread, as they are present in the diet almost every day. It is prepared separately or added to other dishes, soups, hodgepodges, used as a filling for pies and dumplings.

However, nutritionists classify potatoes as not very healthy dishes for those who want to lose weight. In the description of many diets, it is written that you can eat any vegetables, except for potatoes. And if even boiled potatoes are not held in high esteem among nutritionists, then what can be said about fried potatoes, which have even more calories.

The benefits and harms of fried potatoes

The main benefit of fried potatoes is that they are easy to prepare and filling. Treating unexpected guests with something tasty is quite simple - you can fry potatoes, and put homemade pickles on it. It will turn out satisfying, fast and cheap.

Among the useful properties of fried potatoes, its composition, saturation with vitamins and minerals stand out: carotene, vitamin C, D and B vitamins, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, bromine, zinc, iron. But the greatest value is potassium, which is found in large quantities in potatoes. You can get a daily dose of potassium if you eat half a kilogram of potatoes. This mineral is responsible for the full functioning of the cardiovascular system, maintains water balance, relieves edema and neutralizes acid residues.

In addition, potatoes contain pectin, useful acids and fiber, which improves digestion and helps cleanse the body. 2% of the mass of potatoes is protein, which consists of amino acids important for the body.

To understand why fried potatoes are harmful, you need to evaluate one more substance that is in its composition. It's about starch. It accounts for 15 to 20% of the weight of the potato. Moreover, in the early varieties of this vegetable, there is less starch than in the later ones.

Starch has a lot of useful properties for the body: it participates in the immune defense of the body and the production of organic acids, helps in the fight against inflammatory processes and pathogenic microbes, removes excess water from the body, and carries a large boost of energy. With moderate consumption of potatoes, its composition will only positively affect the health of the body.

However, along with the positive properties, potato starch has a big minus: it leads to the accumulation of unspent energy in the form of body fat.

How many calories are in fried potatoes?

The question of how many calories are in fried potatoes worries many people for good reason. After all, even offhand it can be assumed that the combination of a large amount of starch and vegetable oil will lead to high figures for the calorie content of the product.

Raw potatoes have an average calorie content: about 80 units. When boiling and baking a vegetable, this figure changes slightly. However, when the product is fried, the situation is different. In order to get a delicious dish, you need to add a significant amount of oil to the pan. How many kcal will end up in fried potatoes depends on the amount of oil and the cooking time of the product. With long processing, fried potatoes will have from 280 to 320 kcal. This is a lot. If the average serving contains 250 g of potatoes, then the calorie content of such a serving will be about 750 units.

Of course, such a number of calories will negatively affect the figure. Therefore, with a great desire to eat fried potatoes, it is worth doing it before lunch, when the body is set up for full-fledged work and can use the calories received, rather than put them in reserve.

Why are fried potatoes bad?

Potatoes are one of the most popular food products in our country. We cook crumbly boiled potatoes with butter, boil mashed potatoes, add potatoes to soup, bake them with fish and meat, stew and fry.

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Potatoes contain trace elements, potassium useful for the work of the heart muscle, as well as substances that normalize the work of the intestines. High calorie content makes potatoes a storehouse of energy for the human body.

Potatoes and overweight

Potatoes are mostly starch, which is essentially the same glucose, with molecules linked in a slightly different way.

This is a carbohydrate in its purest form, which is not only a source of energy, but also one of the main reasons for gaining excess weight.

With a very high glycemic index, potatoes promote the release of insulin into the blood, the main function of which is to lower blood sugar levels, as well as the production of fat cells from unused glucose for energy production.

If physical activity is low or absent at all, then each glucose molecule is processed into two molecules of fat, which is deposited in the form of subcutaneous layers, as well as in the form of visceral fat on the internal organs.

Harm of salt in fried potatoes

If you can boil potatoes without salt, then frying potatoes without salt is unlikely to come to anyone's mind.

Hot oil damage

We fry potatoes in oil, which is not only a source of extremely harmful animal fat, which is poorly processed by our body, deposited in the form of subcutaneous layers, but also becomes a source of polyphenols (aromatic hydrocarbons) when heated to 150 ° C, which are dangerous carcinogens.

Polyphenols can cause the emergence and development of deadly tumor diseases.

As you can see, fried potatoes are not only harmful to our body due to the high content of starch and salt, but can also carry a direct danger in the form of carcinogens released from heated oil during cooking.

Source: (5)

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Fried potatoes are bad.

Potato is the main starch product. Scientists have found that potatoes are rich in vitamins and mineral salts, but they lose most of their properties as a result of frying and boiling, as well as when the peel is removed.

Recent studies have shown that due to the poor quality of fiber, when potatoes are digested, a large amount of glucose is released.

Nutritionists usually classify potatoes as slow sugars, which is a misnomer. If we take the index of pure glucose as 100, then the potato index is 70, which is why, despite the complexity of the carbon molecule, this carbohydrate is among the bad ones. Moreover, it can be proven that as a result of cooking, the glycemic index of potatoes from which mashed potatoes are made rises to 90. Therefore, do not envy your neighbor who has boiled potatoes smoking on a plate.

But there is a huge danger of harm to fried potatoes. And here I feel that it will be much more difficult to persuade you to refuse it.

Fried potatoes are a lipid-glycemic product similar to a butter sandwich. Its consumption is always associated with the risk of getting better, since the oil in which the potatoes are fried is deposited in the form of fat reserves.

Did you know that fried potatoes and chips are high in acrylamide?

Acrylamide is a chemical substance more commonly known as a carcinogen. The problem here is that currently, acrylamide has been confirmed to cause cancer!

Acrylamide is formed naturally when starch-rich foods are fried, baked, fried, fried, or microwaved at high temperature, such as chips, fried potatoes, crisps, and bread. It has also been found in several other products. It causes cancer in rats during laboratory tests and its presence in certain foods can be harmful to human health. He was not in any raw or cooked foods.

In general, french fries and potato chips are typically cooked at 190°C (374°F) - a temperature high enough to cause acrylamide to form.

According to some studies, in foods like fried potatoes and potato chips, acrylamide is present at about 300 times the recommended amount of the product.

Therefore, a steak with chips is a sacrilege! Get the image of this most destructive food out of your head! The bad lipids of meat and the bad carbohydrates of potatoes are an unnatural mixture. And in no case do not drink milk with food! about milk, read the article cow's milk benefits and harms

I know how difficult it is to give up your favorite national dish - but this is the price you have to pay in order to reach your intended goal. Once you reach it, you won't regret it!

After reading my articles on digestion, you will better understand the dangers of combining meat with carbohydrates, as well as understand the nature of various gastric diseases and related and possible complications.

Once or twice a year I allow myself to eat fried potatoes. Don't forget - sometimes! Moreover, I do not need to lose weight.

And if you want to keep costs to a minimum, then eat fried potatoes with a green salad. It is very tasty, but in addition, the fiber contained in the salad will somewhat slow down the process of converting starch into carbohydrates, which will reduce the amount of glucose produced.

Beans, spinach, tomatoes, eggplant, cauliflower, zucchini, celery and lentils may well replace potatoes. If it suddenly turns out that there is nothing else besides potatoes, just order a green salad.

When ordering meat in a restaurant, accustom yourself to immediately ask about a side dish, since in nine cases out of ten there will be fried potatoes on the table, the harm of which has been scientifically proven.

Source: potato harm and benefit

Potatoes are one of the most popular food products in our country. To the question: What kind of potatoes do you like? , most people will answer that, of course, fried potatoes and french fries. Who will refuse fried potatoes with onions with a golden crust, and even with pickles. Is this food good?

Fried potatoes harm

Nutritionists say that these are the most harmful ways of cooking potatoes (frying and deep-frying). They recommend using roasting and boiling potatoes. With such processing methods, useful substances and properties are preserved in the vegetable, such food is not harmful to health. Why are fried potatoes bad?

During the frying of potatoes in a very hot fat, a carcinogen is formed - acrylamide, which affects our nervous system and greatly increases the risk of developing cancerous tumors, gene mutations and infertility. It is better to fry potatoes in vegetable oil, frying in butter is more harmful, and frying in margarine is especially harmful. Homemade fried potatoes are contraindicated in diseases of the liver, kidneys, stomach, high cholesterol.

Potatoes mainly consist of starch, starch is the polysaccharides of amylose and amylopectin, the monomer of which is alpha-glucose, that is, starch is essentially the same glucose. Potato is a carbohydrate in its purest form, which is not only a source of energy, but also one of the main reasons for gaining excess weight. This also needs to be remembered.

Potatoes have a very high glycemic index, which is why they release insulin into our bloodstream, the main function of which is to lower blood glucose levels, as well as the production of fat cells from unused glucose for energy production.

Each molecule of glucose is converted into two molecules of fat. And now let's think, because we fry the potatoes themselves in fat. Such an excess of fat leads to the fact that it begins to be deposited in the form of subcutaneous layers, as well as in the form of visceral fat on our internal organs. And of course, all this leads to excess weight.

How to be, completely abandon the fried potatoes? You shouldn't give up at all. You just need to know the measure and not abuse this product. A good alternative to fried potatoes for you is the following healthier potato dish in the oven:

  1. cut the peeled potatoes into strips,
  2. salt, pepper, add chopped onion
  3. drizzle with a little vegetable or olive oil
  4. mix well and put the potatoes on a baking sheet or foil
  5. bake in the oven for minutes.

Video about the dangers and benefits of fried potatoes

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Source: potato harm or benefit

Are fried potatoes that bad?

Spanish pirates in search of gold ended up in South America, where they absolutely accidentally found potatoes, without which today many people simply cannot imagine their lives. Well-known culinary specialists claim that more than five hundred different dishes can be prepared from this product - from the simplest boiled potatoes “in uniform” to exquisite French potatoes with truffles.

Potato is a very valuable food product, as it contains a lot of vitamins and minerals (calorific). Of course, during the cooking process, potatoes lose a certain part of useful natural compounds.

Among the most common options for cooking potatoes, along with boiling and baking, is frying. Fried potatoes are one of the most popular dishes in many countries of the world.

fried potatoes calories

The calorie content of fried potatoes is 192 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Composition of fried potatoes

Many of the elements that make up raw potatoes remain intact after heat treatment. So, for example, fried potatoes contain a lot of carbohydrates, fiber, proteins (albumin, globulin, peptone and protein). It also contains useful pectin, oxalic, malic, citric and other organic acids. In addition, fried potatoes retain vitamins (A, B1, B2, B5, B6, E, K) and minerals such as: potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium and phosphorus.

Starch is the most important nutrient in fresh potatoes. However, it is he who is advised to carefully remove their cut raw slices by soaking the potatoes before frying. The fact is that starch makes cooked potatoes crumbly, and this is not suitable for frying.

The benefits and harms of fried potatoes

The benefits of fried potatoes for humans are relevant with moderate use of this product. Only in this case can we talk about its beneficial properties, in particular, antispasmodic and diuretic. In addition, due to the content of potassium, even when fried, this vegetable helps to remove excess fluid from the body.

It must be remembered that when frying potatoes in oil, its energy and nutritional value changes. Fried potatoes can hardly be classified as a diet food. Therefore, the harm of fried potatoes is especially relevant for people who have problems with excess weight, stomach, digestive system and metabolism.

How to cook fried potatoes

There are several ways to cook fried potatoes. For example, rinse potatoes cut for frying in cold water. Then dry it by throwing it in a colander or sieve (calorizator). Salt the potatoes and put a layer of no more than 5 cm in a hot frying pan with butter or vegetable oil and fry with even heat until cooked. When serving, pour potatoes with oil and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs. For 10 medium tubers - 5 tablespoons of oil, herbs, salt to taste.

The main secret of tasty fried potatoes is the use of good oil. A mixture of butter and olive oil gives the potatoes aroma and flavor, and allows them to reach a higher temperature than just butter. It is advisable to use a heavy pan with a thick bottom so that the potatoes fry evenly and that there is a place where they can be turned.

Here's another recipe: Heat about 25 grams (2 tablespoons) of butter and 30 ml (2 tablespoons) of olive oil in a large heavy-bottomed pan. Add an even layer of boiled or blanched potatoes. Leave for 4-5 minutes so that the pieces are fried on one side until golden brown. Turn with a wide spatula so that the potatoes are fried on all sides.

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Source: potatoes - calories and properties. The benefits and harms of fried potatoes

properties of fried potatoes

How much does fried potatoes cost (average price per 1 kg.)?

In search of gold, Spanish pirates ended up in South America, where, by pure chance, they found potatoes, without which today many simply cannot imagine their lives. Culinary connoisseurs say that more than five hundred different dishes can be prepared from this root crop - from the simplest boiled potatoes “in uniform” to exquisite French potatoes with truffles.

In fact, potatoes are a very valuable food product, as they contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. But, undoubtedly, in the process of cooking, potatoes lose a certain part of useful natural compounds.

Among the most common options for cooking potatoes, along with boiling and baking, frying stands out. For example, the same french fries is one of the most popular dishes of fast food restaurants - in terms of fame, it is second only to a hamburger.

In order to get fried potatoes at home, it takes about a minute (sometimes more) to cook, while in fast food restaurants, vegetable slices are deep-fried for only 3 minutes. In general, one can talk about the benefits and harms of fried potatoes almost endlessly, but there is no doubt that it is very tasty.

Benefits of fried potatoes

To find out the presence or absence of the beneficial properties of fried potatoes, you must first study the composition of fresh root crops. So, they contain a lot of carbohydrates, fiber, proteins (albumin, globulin, peptone and protein). Raw potatoes also contain useful pectin, oxalic, malic, citric and other organic acids. All these elements partially remain in fried potatoes after heat treatment.

Starch is the most important nutrient in potatoes. However, it is he who is advised to carefully remove their cut raw slices by soaking the potatoes before frying. The fact is that starch makes cooked potatoes crumbly, and this is not suitable for frying.

Meanwhile, the benefits of fried potatoes for humans are relevant with moderate consumption of this product. Only in this case can we talk about its beneficial properties, in particular, antispasmodic and diuretic. In addition, due to the content of potassium, even when fried, this vegetable helps to remove excess fluid from the body.

Harm of fried potatoes

Fried potatoes are undoubtedly a very tasty and beloved dish by many. However, it can hardly be classified as a diet food. That is why the harm of fried potatoes is especially relevant for people who have problems with being overweight, the digestive system and metabolism.

Chips are a lipid-glycemic food that can be compared to a butter sandwich. Therefore, its consumption is always associated with the risk of gaining excess weight, since the oil in which the raw product is fried is deposited in the human body in the form of fat reserves.

The calorie content of fried potatoes depends on many factors (whether it's the type of root vegetable, the amount of oil used when frying, or the addition of other ingredients), but on average it is about 203.3 kcal per hundred grams of this satisfying product. In the so-called french fries, according to manufacturers, there are even more - 312 kcal.

Calorie fried potatoes 203.3 kcal

The energy value of fried potatoes (The ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bzhu):

Energy ratio (b|g|y): 7%|47%|49%

Fried Potato Recipes

Product proportions. How many grams?

Nutritional value and composition of fried potatoes



Fried potatoes reviews and comments

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Source: calories in fried potatoes?

In our latitudes, potatoes are called the second bread, as they are present in the diet almost every day. It is prepared separately or added to other dishes, soups, hodgepodges, used as a filling for pies and dumplings.

However, nutritionists classify potatoes as not very healthy dishes for those who want to lose weight. In the description of many diets, it is written that you can eat any vegetables, except for potatoes. And if even boiled potatoes are not held in high esteem among nutritionists, then what can be said about fried potatoes, which have even more calories.

The benefits and harms of fried potatoes

The main benefit of fried potatoes is that they are easy to prepare and filling. Treating unexpected guests with something tasty is quite simple - you can fry potatoes, and put homemade pickles on it. It will turn out satisfying, fast and cheap.

Among the useful properties of fried potatoes, its composition, saturation with vitamins and minerals stand out: carotene, vitamin C, D and B vitamins, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, bromine, zinc, iron. But the greatest value is potassium, which is found in large quantities in potatoes. You can get a daily dose of potassium if you eat half a kilogram of potatoes. This mineral is responsible for the full functioning of the cardiovascular system, maintains water balance, relieves edema and neutralizes acid residues.

In addition, potatoes contain pectin, useful acids and fiber, which improves digestion and helps cleanse the body. 2% of the mass of potatoes is protein, which consists of amino acids important for the body.

To understand why fried potatoes are harmful, you need to evaluate one more substance that is in its composition. It's about starch. It accounts for 15 to 20% of the weight of the potato. Moreover, in the early varieties of this vegetable, there is less starch than in the later ones.

Starch has a lot of useful properties for the body: it participates in the immune defense of the body and the production of organic acids, helps in the fight against inflammatory processes and pathogenic microbes, removes excess water from the body, and carries a large boost of energy. With moderate consumption of potatoes, its composition will only positively affect the health of the body.

However, along with the positive properties, potato starch has a big minus: it leads to the accumulation of unspent energy in the form of body fat.

How many calories are in fried potatoes?

The question of how many calories are in fried potatoes worries many people for good reason. After all, even offhand it can be assumed that the combination of a large amount of starch and vegetable oil will lead to high figures for the calorie content of the product.

Raw potatoes have an average calorie content: about 80 units. When boiling and baking a vegetable, this figure changes slightly. However, when the product is fried, the situation is different. In order to get a delicious dish, you need to add a significant amount of oil to the pan. How many kcal will end up in fried potatoes depends on the amount of oil and the cooking time of the product. With long processing, fried potatoes will have from 280 to 320 kcal. This is a lot. If the average serving contains 250 g of potatoes, then the calorie content of such a serving will be about 750 units.

Of course, such a number of calories will negatively affect the figure. Therefore, with a great desire to eat fried potatoes, it is worth doing it before lunch, when the body is set up for full-fledged work and can use the calories received, rather than put them in reserve.

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September 13, 2018

Proponents of proper nutrition know that it is most useful to cook all foods by steaming or baking. But sometimes you want to treat yourself to something incredibly tasty and at the same time harmful. Everyone has fried potatoes in their diet. The benefits and harms of such a dish are the topic of today's article.

Chemical composition

In our country, potatoes are called the second dish. Indeed, root crops are added to first courses, casseroles, snacks, salads and even pastries are made from them. But the fried potatoes for dinner still get the palm. Does such a treat bring harm or benefit? We will talk about this in today's article.

To understand how valuable potato roots are for the human body, one should study in detail the component composition of a raw vegetable. Of course, in the process of heat treatment, a certain part of vitamins, micro- and macroelements is lost, but some of them are preserved.

Component composition:

  • vitamin C;
  • phosphorus;
  • choline;
  • ferrum;
  • pyridoxine;
  • potassium;
  • vitamin PP;
  • magnesium;
  • vitamin B1;
  • calcium;
  • tocopherol;
  • vitamin B9.

On a note! There is absolutely no cholesterol in raw potato roots. But if you subject the vegetable to heat treatment in the form of frying, cholesterol will appear due to the addition of refined vegetable oil.

As you can see, the component composition of potato tubers is quite rich. Therefore, the use of this vegetable in food has a beneficial effect on almost all internal systems and organs. The immune system is strengthened, the work of the nervous system is normalized, the concentration of sugar in the blood decreases.

Interesting! Potatoes contain antioxidants, which are famous for their cleansing and anti-inflammatory properties.

Now it's time to talk about nutritional value. Raw potato tubers are almost a dietary product. There are approximately 80 kilocalories in 100 g. What happens when a vegetable is cooked? When frying potatoes, refined vegetable oil is used, respectively, the calorie content of the finished dish will increase exponentially compared to the original nutritional value of raw potatoes.

In a serving weighing 100 g, there will be from 250 to 350 kilocalories. But, as practice shows, on average a person eats a serving weighing about 200-250 g. Accordingly, the nutritional value will be twice as much, and this is almost a third of the daily calorie content.

On a note! Profile doctors do not recommend eating fried potatoes in the afternoon. If you want to enjoy the delicious taste of such a dish, do it before dinner. In this case, the body will still have plenty of time to digest everything, and not transform it into body fat.

Do you like fried potatoes? Its benefits and harms - that's what you need to know about such a gastronomic masterpiece. As already mentioned, heat treatment kills some of the nutrients contained in raw tubers. But some, even an insignificant part, still remains, so we can talk about the benefits of potatoes.

Beneficial features:

  • strengthening of bone and joint tissue;
  • promoting the production of collagen;
  • prevention of osteoporosis and a number of other ailments of the musculoskeletal system;
  • stool restoration;
  • replenishment of mineral and vitamin reserves;
  • elimination of headaches and migraines;
  • getting rid of fatigue.

Experts advise eating potatoes for people who are daily subjected to exhausting physical exertion. Here, the advantage is the high nutritional value of fried potatoes.

On a note! Young potato tubers are even included in the diet. Of course, frying such potatoes is undesirable, otherwise the calorie content of the dish will increase.

Eating potatoes has a positive effect on the organs of the digestive tract. There is a clear improvement in the functioning of the stomach and intestines. People can eat potatoes to treat constipation, flatulence, and bloating.

Potato tubers contain ascorbic acid. By the way, the concentration of vitamin C is quite high. So, this vegetable is also good for the immune system. You can include it in your diet to prevent acute respiratory and viral illnesses.

In large quantities, potato root crops contain some group vitamins that have a positive effect on the nervous system.

Important! In the process of frying, cholesterol appears in potato tubers, so it is often undesirable to eat such a product. An increase in cholesterol levels leads to the formation of plaques, atherosclerosis and the development of cardiovascular pathologies.

I would also like to draw attention to potato juice. Let you eat a serving of fried potatoes and satisfy your gastronomic needs. And the next meal should be healthy. Folk healers actively use freshly squeezed potato juice to treat a number of ailments.

Healing properties:

  • sedatives;
  • expectorants;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • immunostimulating.

Despite the huge benefits, eating fried potatoes can also cause harm. And it is associated not only with an increase in cholesterol levels and the possible development of atherosclerosis.

It is recommended to exclude potatoes from the diet in any form for people suffering from kidney failure. Vegetable roots contain a high concentration of potassium, which will not be completely absorbed by the body with such ailments.

A large amount of starch contained in potato tubers can cause diabetes.

Potatoes, the harm and benefits of which are actively discussed by both specialists and ordinary people, have long taken a firm place in the menu of many Europeans. This also applies to the countries of the post-Soviet space, where it is called the "second bread" and is actively used as side dishes for preparing basic and even dietary dishes.

About the benefits of potatoes

If we consider a vegetable from a medical point of view, then it opens up a lot of interesting properties. First, the tuber juice has anti-inflammatory properties. It is prescribed for both external and internal use in the treatment of various ulcers, purulent and other lesions. Due to the high content of potassium, the vegetable is recommended for people with problems of the cardiovascular system. The maximum amount of useful elements is in the peel, therefore, for a greater effect, it is recommended not to peel the tubers before cooking. In the treatment of cold-related ailments, potatoes are used for inhalations and compresses, and its puree is recommended for people with digestive tract problems.

The nutritional value

In most cases, potatoes are perceived not as a medicine, but as a food product. There are more than 50 thousand varieties of this plant in the world. They were bred by man in order to provide the population with food. For this reason, potatoes are one of the key foods in America and Asia, Europe and Australia.

People are used to seeing this vegetable on their table literally every day. There are thousands of recipes that include potatoes. The harm and benefits of tubers largely depend on the method of their preparation. On the one hand, this vegetable is low in calories and contains a number of trace elements necessary for a person. On the other hand, under certain conditions, toxic substances can accumulate in the tubers. And with some types of heat treatment (for example, frying in oil) - carcinogens.

About the dangers of potatoes

If we consider the plant as a whole from the point of view of botany, then this annual shrub of the nightshade family is considered poisonous. In particular, this applies to the stem, flowers, as well as berries (similar to small green tomatoes) with seeds. However, only tubers are edible. They mean when they say "potato". The harm and benefits of this part of the plant have been studied enough to say that eating it is absolutely safe. The exception is green specimens, which indeed may well turn out to be poisonous. For this reason, you should not store potatoes in the light, and when buying, you should carefully examine each tuber, paying attention to color.

With prolonged storage of the vegetable, the poison solanine accumulates in it. As a rule, its concentration reaches a dangerous value closer to spring, when the tubers begin to sprout. Therefore, when eating potatoes, starting from January, it is recommended to peel them (the poison is concentrated in the peel). Particular care should be taken by pregnant women, since solanine adversely affects the embryo and can lead to severe malformations.

Harm of fried potatoes

As mentioned earlier, the benefits of this product largely depend on the method of its preparation. According to most nutritionists, it refers to dishes, the use of which is highly undesirable. There are several reasons for this. Firstly, during the cooking process, the tubers absorb a lot of oil, which then enters the stomach. As a result, the dish turns out to be fatty and very high-calorie. Secondly, fried food in itself is not very healthy. And, thirdly, they use it, as a rule, with a lot of salt and sauces, which are also quite harmful. For this reason, it is better to replace it with the benefits and harms of which are also ambiguous, but still most experts tend to use this method of preparation.

To minimize the negative effects of fried food on the body, it is necessary to adhere to certain rules in the process. And it's best to use it in moderation.

How to fry potatoes properly?

It turns out that this dish can be easily transferred from the class of "categorically harmful and prohibited" to the category of "not very recommended, but quite acceptable." To do this, you must follow a few not too complicated rules.

Firstly, you should not soak peeled and chopped tubers in water, as some housewives recommend. Otherwise, most of the nutrients will remain in it, and potatoes will simply become a harmful snack.

Secondly, you can fry it exclusively in fresh refined oil, which after cooking must be poured out and not reused. Thirdly, first the potatoes are brought to a golden brown in a very hot pan, and then the fire is removed and they continue to fry until cooked in a weak one. You need to salt and add spices at the very end, when the dish is ready.

Boiled potatoes

This is one of the most common side dishes. Moreover, you can cook it in several ways: mashed potatoes, slices or in "uniforms". In all cases, boiled potatoes will turn out. Benefit and harm, of course, will be different. The easiest option is to boil peeled tubers in salted water, adding a few bay leaves and peppercorns to them. Potatoes are cooked, depending on the variety, from 10 to 25-30 minutes. Then it can be greased with a piece of butter and sprinkled with chopped herbs.

A healthier option is potatoes boiled in their skins. So it retains the maximum of the necessary elements. True, and harmful also persist. So beforehand, the tubers should be thoroughly washed and inspected for damage and greening.

Even better if the potatoes are steamed. Perhaps this is the most useful way. Before you cook it, you need to either wash it very well or peel it. Such tubers are suitable for salad, and as the basis for the filling of a pie or dumplings, and as an independent side dish.

Mashed potatoes

A favorite dish of children and adults, which is quite easy to prepare. It can be made dietary, using a minimum of spices and fat, or creamy and airy, with milk, butter and egg yolk. In the first case, potatoes are simply boiled in salted water. Then it is crushed with a crush and brought to a state of puree, adding liquid as needed.

To make the dish tasty, while the potatoes are cooking, you can put a couple of bay leaves and a little peppercorns in the water. After all the pieces are crushed, butter and egg yolk are added, and brought to the desired condition with boiled milk. It turns out a very delicate tasty side dish.

How to cook

This dish is no longer called a side dish. It can be served both for dinner and during lunch. It is advisable to add other vegetables there. And if you put it out, you get a real feast. During fasting and those who are on a diet, it is better to limit yourself to a vegetable option. They are prepared in much the same way, except for the addition of meat.

For a pound of pork, you will need one and a half kilograms of potatoes. They also take large carrots, medium onions, vegetable oil, salt, bay leaves, peppercorns, and other spices can be used. A little greenery will also help.

Before cooking, it does not hurt to marinate it. To do this, cut the pork into small pieces (3x3 cm), salt, sprinkle with ground pepper, you can add other spices. Then it is left for half an hour. During this time, you need to clean all the vegetables. Potatoes are poured with water so that they do not darken.

Vegetable oil is poured into a cauldron or pan with a thick bottom and the meat is fried on it until a crust. Then coarsely chopped onions and carrots are added there, continue to fry, stirring. When the vegetables begin to brown, the potatoes are cut into cubes equal in size to the meat and sent to the pan. Pour hot water so that it covers all the pieces, add bay leaves and peppercorns, simmer over low heat for about 20 minutes. At the end, the dish is salted to taste and sprinkled with chopped herbs.

That's how different potatoes can be. The harm and benefits of its use are sometimes slightly exaggerated. So in fact it is possible for everyone. The main thing is to cook correctly and know when to stop.

People who eat fried potatoes at least twice a week double their risk of early death. This is exactly what the authors of an article published in the American Journal of Clinical Dietetics claim. At the same time, eating potatoes in any other form does not lead to a reduction in life, scientists say. They make very strong arguments. Maybe it really is worth switching to mashed potatoes?

“Fried potato consumption is on the rise worldwide,” says Dr. Nicola Veronese, lead author of the article and research scientist at the National Research Council in Padua, Italy. In 2014, according to statistics, only in the United States people consumed 15 kilos of french fries per person per year. Veronese's team studied 4,400 people with arthritis, aged 45 to 79, and as a result came to the conclusion that fried potatoes are harmful to health. This study was one of the few that open people's eyes to how and how bad potato chips are for the body.

The researchers divided study participants into groups based on how often they ate potatoes. During the year, 236 study participants died. Analyzing the data for each group, Veronese and his collaborators found that those who ate fried potatoes 2-3 times a week were twice as likely to die early than those who did not eat the dish. The type of frying didn't matter - french fries, hash browns and regular fried potatoes had the same effect. At the same time, according to research, men consumed fried potatoes more often than women, and young people more often than older people. The results of the study do not yet show that frequent consumption of fried potatoes leads to early mortality - more research is needed to draw such a definite conclusion. But there is definitely some dependence here. “We believe that the oil in which fried potatoes, rich in trans fats, are cooked, is one of the factors in early mortality,” says Veronese. – Trans fats increase the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood, which directly leads to cardiovascular disease.

According to Veronese, the propensity for early death among fried potato eaters may be due to the fact that they are generally prone to excessive salt intake, sedentary lifestyle and obesity. However, this wording confused the representatives of the General Council of Potato Growers of the USA. The organization's president, John Keeling, said the study was skewed because it only included patients with arthritis. According to Keeling, “Potatoes are an exceptionally healthy vegetable because they are low in calories. In addition, it has no fat, no salt, no cholesterol, but one medium potato contains a quarter of the daily value of vitamin C and more potassium than a banana.
According to Keeling, the potato was simply the victim of black PR. Susanne Larsen, an associate professor at the Institute of Environmental Medicine, agrees: “In Western countries, excessive potato consumption is often considered a sign of unhealthy eating habits. Susanne Larsen, who also conducted research on the potato, agrees with this and says that this habit has nothing to do with early mortality.”