Early miscarriage - can it happen again, how to act after it? Causes of spontaneous miscarriages in early pregnancy, accompanying symptoms, rehabilitation and consequences

At what stage of pregnancy can a miscarriage occur? For what reasons does this happen? Spontaneous abortion at various stages is a pathology of pregnancy, often talking about health problems, genetic incompatibility or an unhealthy lifestyle. If the body has not been prepared for bearing, then the risk of abortion at various stages increases.

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In 15-20% of pregnancies, miscarriage or premature birth occurs. And although most often spontaneous rejection of the embryo occurs during an unplanned pregnancy, the fact of a miscarriage has its own reasons. Gynecologists have calculated that abortion in most cases occurs in the first trimester - up to 12 weeks.

If a spontaneous abortion has occurred, then it is also necessary to consult a specialist: although the uterus is cleaned on its own, in rare cases, the remnants of embryonic tissue can lead to inflammation, which will lead to complications in treatment.

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After the fetus fades, you need to establish the cause of what happened and start treatment under the supervision of specialists. It is recommended to plan a re-conception no earlier than six months later.

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Regardless of the gestational age, there is a risk of miscarriage or premature birth. The most common miscarriage occurs at 2-6 weeks, when the fetus is especially exposed to negative factors. In the period from 7 to 12 weeks, the causes of miscarriage may be infections or an abnormal structure of the placenta.

There are many reasons for interruption of gestation, however, having noticed alarming symptoms, you can try to keep the pregnancy. You can get pregnant after a spontaneous abortion if you properly prepare the body. It is recommended to plan a new pregnancy only after the body is fully restored.

In addition, it is very important to look to the future with optimism and not think about a negative outcome.

In this article:

Pregnancy is a wonderful period in a woman's life. But not always she is destined to end with the birth of a child. Sometimes the body itself decides to expel the emerging life from the female womb. In most cases, miscarriage occurs at the very beginning of pregnancy - in the first trimester. But why and how does a miscarriage happen? There are many reasons - from bad habits of the mother to chromosomal pathologies in the fetus.

According to statistics, every fifth pregnancy ends in spontaneous abortion. To avoid this, a woman should know the symptoms and signs of a miscarriage, as well as what to do if she finds herself in a similar situation.

How does pathology develop?

How a miscarriage occurs is a question that worries every woman who is faced with the threat of abortion. The body rejects the fetus as a result of the influence of negative factors. It is excreted from the uterus either completely, which is typical for the first weeks of pregnancy, or partially. Often, women completely overlooked the symptoms of a miscarriage, not noticing their condition.

Depending on the cause, for example, the presence of an acute infectious and inflammatory process in the body (flu, rubella, etc.), the immune system begins to show aggression towards a developing pregnancy, as a result of which a miscarriage may occur. The formation of the connection between the mother and the unborn child is disrupted, it ceases to function, the fetus is deprived of support and nutrition.

As a result, the fetal egg is torn away from the uterine mucosa and leaves it along with bleeding. Depending on the mechanism of development of a miscarriage, experts determine its causes.

Types of miscarriages

Consider the main ones:

  • Incomplete miscarriage , also called inevitable. In this case, the woman notes pain in the sacrum and in the lower abdomen, which is accompanied by bleeding and dilation of the cervix. If we are talking about an inevitable miscarriage, then in this case there was a rupture of the membranes. For an incomplete miscarriage, the symptoms of pain and spotting are constant.
  • Complete miscarriage means that the fetal egg or fetus is completely expelled from the uterine cavity. In such a situation, bleeding may stop on its own, like other symptoms.
  • Missed miscarriage . The embryo or fetus dies, but remains in the uterine cavity. Usually this condition is called missed pregnancy, and it is discovered by chance during a routine ultrasound examination or examination by a gynecologist.
  • Anembryony . Despite the fusion of the germ cells of a man and a woman, the fetus does not begin its development in the uterus. In this condition, signs of pregnancy can be noted and even the gestational sac and corpus luteum can be diagnosed by ultrasound, but the child is absent in it, curettage is necessary, as after a miscarriage.
  • Repeated miscarriage is diagnosed in a woman if she had at least three spontaneous abortions one after another. This violation occurs rarely, no more than 1% of families. Usually it is included in the group of consequences after a miscarriage.
  • chorionadenoma . This violation is also preceded by fertilization, but during it, the chromosomal information breaks down, and instead of the embryo, tissues develop in the uterus, which eventually grow and increase in volume. Pathology may end spontaneously as a miscarriage, or cleaning of the uterine cavity will be required.

The reasons

About 20% of pregnancies end in miscarriage. Most often, this happens at a time when the woman herself does not yet know about her position. But this can also happen with those who planned pregnancy and managed to rejoice at its onset. Why is this happening?

The causes of miscarriage in early pregnancy (mainly before 12 weeks, since it is the first trimester that is the decisive link in this matter) will be as follows:

  • Chromosomal problems in the fetus . Experts believe that approximately 73% of pregnancies are terminated solely due to genetic disorders. At the same time, chromosomal mutations are not always inherited at the genetic level; negative environmental factors, such as radiation, viruses, and much more, can affect their occurrence. It is believed that in this case, the pregnancy is terminated according to the type of natural selection, that is, initially such an embryo is not viable. Therefore, we are talking about such a condition as a micro-miscarriage, which occurs much earlier than at 12 weeks of gestation. Many women do not even know that they were pregnant, perceiving unexpectedly heavy periods for menstrual irregularities.
  • Hormonal disorders . Fluctuations in the hormonal background in the early stages of pregnancy often lead to its interruption. Usually the culprit is progesterone - a hormone aimed at supporting pregnancy. If the problem is detected in time, then the fetus can be saved. Also, an excess of male hormones - androgens, which inhibit the synthesis of progesterone and estrogen, can also provoke a spontaneous abortion. This usually results in multiple recurring miscarriages.
  • Immunological problems . Most often occur in the blood of the mother and fetus. In this case, the child inherits the father's Rh factor with a "+" sign, while the mother's Rh factor is "-". The immune system of a woman perceives a positive Rhesus embryo for foreign bodies, starting an active fight against them.
  • infections . The causative agents of cytomegalovirus, herpes, chlamydia and other pathogenic bacteria and viruses infect the fetal membranes and the fetus itself in the uterine cavity, causing a miscarriage. To avoid this, you need to prepare for pregnancy and treat any infectious and inflammatory processes in the body in time. Common infectious diseases are also fraught with a threat to the development of the fetus, these include influenza, rubella, etc. All these diseases occur with intoxication of the woman's body and a strong increase in body temperature, which can cause spontaneous abortion.
  • Past abortions . This is not just a medical procedure to remove the fetus and membranes from the uterus. It is also a serious stress for a woman's body, which can give complications. For example, a dysfunctional disorder of the ovaries, changes in the functions of the adrenal glands, inflammation in the reproductive system. In the future, all this leads to infertility and problems with bearing subsequent pregnancies.
  • Taking medicines and medicinal plants . Almost all pills and other drugs in the first trimester are dangerous, as the fetus is actively forming. Most drugs provoke malformations of the fetus or disrupt the formation of the placenta, all of which can lead to spontaneous abortion. Pills, due to which it can be, for example, at week 12 - hormonal drugs, narcotic analgesics, etc. Not only the medicine can cause a miscarriage, but also some medicinal herbs, quite harmless at first glance mint, parsley, nettle, tansy and much more.
  • Stress . Any mental shock is dangerous for pregnancy. If it was not possible to avoid stress, it is important to seek help from a specialist in order to prevent the possibility of a miscarriage.
  • Bad habits . Alcohol abuse, smoking, drug addiction can cause early pregnancy termination. If a woman wants to give birth to a healthy and strong child, she must give up addictions at the stage of conception planning and ask her partner about it.
  • Excessive exercise . Violent sexual intercourse, falling, lifting weights sometimes become a trigger for a miscarriage. Pregnancy is a time when you need to take care of your own health as much as possible.


What are the symptoms of a miscarriage? The first symptom is abdominal pain, which is soon followed by spotting. Painful sensations are not always localized in the lower abdomen, many women note that it gives off most intensively to the sacrum.

Discharge from the genital tract can be different, varying in color and intensity. But their detection, in any case, requires a doctor's consultation. Smearing weak discharge may indicate a threat of miscarriage and the possibility of saving the pregnancy. Abundant uterine bleeding, especially with tissue particles and clots, speaks for itself - the fetus is dead, and cleaning is needed after a miscarriage.

These signs are typical for any period of pregnancy, so it doesn’t matter what week they appeared. It is more important to know what symptoms are characteristic of the loss of a child, and what measures should be taken in this situation.

There are 4 stages of miscarriage, let's look at them briefly:

  1. threatened miscarriage . The woman complains of pain in the lower back and lower abdomen. There may be slight spotting from the vagina. In this case, the pregnancy can still be saved.
  2. Started miscarriage . The pain grows and becomes like contractions. The divisions are intensifying. There is weakness and dizziness. The chances of saving the fetus are minimal.
  3. Miscarriage in progress . The pain intensifies, the bleeding is significant. Fetal death at this stage is obvious. The fetus may leave the uterus with bloody discharge completely, or cleaning will be required after a miscarriage.
  4. Completed miscarriage . The fetus and its membranes are expelled, there is a contraction of the uterus after a miscarriage. The bleeding stops. It is necessary to conduct an ultrasound to determine the condition of the uterus and the presence of remnants of the fetal egg.

At what time does a miscarriage occur?

Usually pregnancy is terminated in the first trimester due to the fact that the fetus is not viable. More often this happens during the period of the expected onset of menstruation, and then the woman may not even know that she was pregnant. If this happened later, the fetal egg rarely comes out completely, vacuum cleaning of the uterus after a miscarriage is necessary.

Much less often, pregnancy is interrupted in the second trimester. This condition is called a late miscarriage.


Diagnosis of miscarriage for a specialist is not difficult. The doctor examines the patient on a gynecological chair, determining the correspondence of the size of the uterus to the gestational age, the presence of tone, the condition of the cervix and the nature of the discharge. For the final assessment of the woman's condition, an ultrasound is prescribed. With its help, the specialist sees the localization of the fetal egg, the presence of detachment or its complete absence.

Based on the diagnostic examination, the subsequent tactics of therapeutic actions are decided. If the pregnancy can be saved, the woman is referred to a hospital. If we are talking about the death of the fetus, the patient needs cleaning after a miscarriage and treatment.

Is it possible to independently determine that there was a miscarriage?

Self-determine that a miscarriage is occurring , it is difficult if the gestational age is short and the woman did not know anything about her; it is another matter if the spontaneous abortion occurred later, for example, at 12 weeks. In this case, the woman simply will not be able to miss the symptoms associated with the death and expulsion of the fetus. This situation requires a mandatory visit to the doctor, as cleaning will be required after a miscarriage.


Therapeutic measures are completely dependent on the results of ultrasound and the clinical manifestations of the pathology. With a threatening and incipient miscarriage, a woman is prescribed treatment aimed at maintaining the pregnancy.

If the fetal egg exfoliates and bleeding begins, then the pregnancy has already terminated, and cleaning or scraping is necessary after a miscarriage.

With a miscarriage at a later date, for example, at 28 weeks, funds are needed to reduce the uterus and artificially induce contractions (Oxytocin). After the expulsion of the fetus, so that the uterus contracts better and the bleeding decreases, an ice pack is placed on the woman's stomach.

Treatment after a miscarriage does not end there. A woman should undergo an examination to determine the cause of spontaneous abortion: pelvic ultrasound, diagnosis of infections, hormones, cytogenetic examination of the ovum, etc. For up to 6 months, oral contraceptives are prescribed for a woman to restore the reproductive system and prevent unwanted pregnancy, since sex is soon after a miscarriage may lead to reoccurrence. The body needs time to heal.

Complications after a miscarriage

Complications after a miscarriage are often associated with the fact that the situation can repeat itself. Therefore, it is important to go through rehabilitation and find out why the failure occurred and when it is possible to become pregnant again.

If treatment after a miscarriage is ineffective, a woman may experience the following complications:

  • the development of inflammation in the organs of the reproductive system, followed by a chronic process in endometritis, salpingo-oophoritis, adhesions, etc.;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • problems with conception and secondary infertility.

In addition, frequent consequences after a miscarriage - severe stress, depression, psychological experiences of a failed mother.


It is impossible to prevent a miscarriage at 12 or any other week of pregnancy due to genetic factors - it is impossible to influence genetics. But every woman who wants to have children can adjust her lifestyle, take care of her health.

So, how to minimize the likelihood of miscarriage and complications after it:

  • plan pregnancy in advance, while adjusting nutrition, give up bad habits, undergo examinations and treatment;
  • after the onset of pregnancy, direct all efforts to preserve it, for example, put it in a timely manner if there is a threat of miscarriage;
  • avoid stress, physical and psycho-emotional overwork, visit a gynecologist on time.

Since complications after a miscarriage can be serious, it is recommended to plan a new pregnancy six months after the failure. At this time, doctors advise using hormonal contraceptives, in which the body recovers faster.

According to statistics, sex after a miscarriage on the twelfth day of the cycle can lead to a new pregnancy. Some women take advantage of this, wanting to quickly forget a failed pregnancy. Thus, they expose themselves to a new blow, because a weakened body can again reject the fetus. Do not rush, only time and effort will help set up the reproductive system to expect a child.

Useful video about early miscarriage

Miscarriage is known to be the reason why 20% of all pregnancies end. Usually such a spontaneous abortion occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy, so it is during this period that special care must be taken. Often a miscarriage occurs when a woman does not even suspect that she is pregnant, and perceives the discharge after a miscarriage as another menstruation.

The causes of miscarriage are varied - stress, heavy lifting, an unhealthy lifestyle, or a hard fall. Many young girls who find themselves in a position want to provoke a spontaneous abortion, without thinking about the consequences of a miscarriage. Fear of parental anger or lack of funds encourage young and inexperienced women to act rashly, the consequences of which may be infertility. The consequences after a miscarriage can be different, depending on the period of time a woman goes to the doctor. Timely detection of a miscarriage sometimes helps doctors save the life and the child, while delaying seeking medical help can lead to the death of the mother.

In view of all the above data, every woman needs to know what are the causes, symptoms and consequences of a miscarriage in order to protect herself from such an unfavorable process.

Symptoms, causes and consequences of a miscarriage

The most common symptom of an impending miscarriage is bleeding, which should alert a pregnant woman. They also talk about a possible miscarriage and back pain, dizziness, pain in the uterus and ovaries. The consequences of a miscarriage, in addition to physical ailment, infertility and disease, can also be psychological. Some women recover within a few months; for some, depression can last more than a year. The best way to get rid of such consequences of a miscarriage is a new pregnancy.

The causes of a miscarriage cannot always be identified; the most common among those that were identified in the course of studies of this process in the female body are hormonal disorders, genetic predisposition, genital infections, uterine disorders, chromosomal abnormalities in the fetus that are incompatible with life, various infections, tissue rupture and autoimmune factors.

The most common cause and consequences of miscarriage is the lack of progesterone in a woman's body - the most important hormone for maintaining pregnancy. It is this hormone that is responsible for the success of the implantation of the ovum, and, accordingly, its lack in the mother's body leads to the rejection of the fertilized egg. An equally common cause of miscarriage is an excess of male sex hormones - androgens, which suppress the production of progesterone and tarragon. For a successful pregnancy, the genetic compatibility of future parents is equally important. If the mother's blood Rh factor is negative, and the father's is positive, the woman's body will perceive the fetus as a foreign body and begin to reject it.

Serious consequences after a miscarriage are observed when a woman turns to traditional medicine to provoke a spontaneous abortion. The longer the gestation period, the higher the risk of a mother's death, because, having decided to provoke a miscarriage with the help of traditional medicine, she does not take into account that the tissues of the formed fetus will begin to come out along with the discharge after the miscarriage, and some of the dead tissues and membranes will remain in a woman's uterus. Therefore, the longer the gestation period, the more tissues will be in the uterine cavity, and the higher the risk of death, respectively, since these tissues begin to rot inside the woman, poisoning the body.

The consequences of a miscarriage in early pregnancy are not serious and do not threaten the life and health of a woman. Gynecologists advise, as a preventive measure, to perform curettage of the uterus after a miscarriage, after which, after 2 weeks, to carry out a control ultrasound.

It is widely believed that the consequence after a miscarriage is a repeated termination of pregnancy. Alas, according to statistics, it is true, but it occurs only in cases where the cause of the miscarriage has not been established, or, having established it, the woman has not undergone adequate treatment.

Thus, the consequences of a miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy, if a woman consulted a doctor on time and did not use traditional medicine, do not bear a negative character for her life. In cases where medical care is not provided on time, uterine bleeding may occur, accompanied by a large loss of blood, which cannot be stopped at home.

Consequences of a miscarriage: prevention

Prevention of this condition is a necessary measure for every woman in whose life a miscarriage has occurred. At first glance, a number of necessary measures to neutralize the possibility of a miscarriage seem like a difficult task, but if you think about it, the consequences of a miscarriage can be so deplorable that any difficulties become not so impossible.

First of all, a woman who wants to get pregnant should prepare for this event in advance. Both she and the future father of the child must undergo thorough examinations, check their genetic compatibility, because a miscarriage can also occur due to incompatibility of Rh factors. If the results of the examinations are negative, then the woman should be prepared for the fact that the preservation of the desired pregnancy will begin at an early date.

In the presence of any infectious diseases, high-quality treatment of the body is necessary, and only after that can we talk about conceiving a child. During pregnancy, remembering the consequences of a miscarriage, it is better for a woman to be less likely to be in crowded places, avoid stressful situations and generally try to get only positive emotions.

If the expectant mother has such bad habits as smoking and alcohol abuse, pregnancy planning can take place only after a year has passed after getting rid of them.

Women whose first pregnancy occurs at the age of 35-40 should be especially attentive to their own health, regularly examined at the antenatal clinic and at the gynecologist.

Of course, no one can be notified in advance about force majeure situations, so the risk of injury and stress is always present in the life of every pregnant woman. The only thing a woman can do is avoid physical activity, discuss with her doctor the possibility of using sedatives such as valerian or motherwort tincture in stressful situations, and, of course, avoid hitting and falling on her stomach.

A miscarriage is a spontaneous termination of pregnancy in the first or second trimester, before the 22nd week. At this time, the fetus reaches a mass of 500 g, which means that even if the pregnancy ends before the 40th week, it can be saved. Therefore, from the 22nd week they talk about premature birth.

Miscarriages happen frequently.

According to various estimates, 15-20% of all pregnancies end early.

But these are only those cases when women already knew about the pregnancy. It happens much more often that they don’t even know about the pregnancy when it is interrupted. How many people are affected by or at risk for pregnancy loss or miscarriage?.

Miscarriages are divided into two types:

  1. Spontaneous, or sporadic, when a woman has had 1-2 miscarriages.
  2. Habitual. This means that three or more pregnancies ended in miscarriages, usually at the same time. One woman in a hundred experiences recurrent miscarriages.

Why miscarriages happen

In most cases, miscarriages are the law of nature. No one knows exactly how the mother's body determines that it is not worth bearing this fetus, but arguing with this process is usually pointless. It is also not always possible to predict a miscarriage: we can only assume what happened.

Chromosomal abnormalities of the fetus

Three out of four miscarriages occur in the first trimester of pregnancy, that is, in the first three months. At this time, the most common cause of an interrupted pregnancy is fetal anomalies.

Chromosomes are structures that are made up of DNA, that is, genes. Genes are the instructions by which all processes in our body go. Genes determine how and when the fetus will develop, how it will become a child and how it will live later, what the blood type will be and even what sweets it will like more than others.

When the cells of mom and dad meet, fertilization occurs, after a few hours the fertilized egg divides for the first time. This is a very complex process, and things can go wrong. For example, it turns out that the embryo has an extra chromosome or, conversely, one is missing. But whatever the breakdown, the result is the same: the fetus is not viable. Here the body rejects it, this is a natural mechanism You Asked: What Causes a Miscarriage?.

In most cases, a woman does not even notice that a miscarriage has occurred.

Chemical changes in the body are insignificant, and not everyone feels them. The delay is also small, so it can be attributed to natural changes in the cycle, and outwardly such a miscarriage is no different from.

About two thirds of all early miscarriages are just such anomalies. They cannot be predicted, prevented or cured. Of course, the quality of the sex cells of mom and dad affects the viability of the embryo. But anomalies occur even in perfectly healthy parents with normal eggs and sperm.

If the pregnancy was established by tests, analyzes and even ultrasound, then it can still end in a miscarriage due to fetal abnormalities.

Empty fertilized egg

Some pregnancies end because anembryony develops. This is a phenomenon when there is a fetal egg, but there is no embryo formed in it. This is also a consequence of breakdowns after conception. Miscarriage.

Problems with the placenta

In order for the fetus to develop, it must attach to the wall of the uterus and begin to feed with the help of the placenta. The placenta is a special organ that connects the organisms of the mother and fetus. This organ is formed before the 14-16th week of pregnancy. And if during this period something went wrong and the placenta “failed”, the pregnancy will be terminated, because the fetus cannot be carried without a placenta.

chronic diseases

In the second trimester, the risk of miscarriage can be affected by the health of the mother, and in particular some chronic diseases:

  1. Diabetes mellitus (if not controlled).
  2. Autoimmune diseases.
  3. Diseases of the kidneys.
  4. Disorders in the work of the thyroid gland.


Some infections can harm the fetus and cause miscarriage. These are HIV (if left untreated and controlled), chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, rubella, toxoplasmosis, and cytomegalovirus, if you get the last three during pregnancy. Please note that this list does not include ureaplasmosis and any changes in the vaginal flora.


Many medicines, including natural ones (herbs, the same coltsfoot), can affect the course of pregnancy. Therefore, you can take any medication only if it is safe and agreed with your doctor.

Features of the structure of the uterus

The shape, structure, and position of the uterus can affect how a pregnancy progresses. But anomalies that can actually lead to a miscarriage are extremely rare.

Sometimes the muscular ring of the cervix is ​​weaker than necessary for bearing the fetus. This condition is called isthmic-cervical insufficiency. Because of it, the cervix opens before childbirth, a miscarriage occurs Causes of miscarriage. This anomaly should be noticed by a gynecologist who will suggest treatment options.

Polycystic ovaries

A syndrome that leads to enlarged ovaries, difficulty conceiving, and an increased risk of miscarriage What causes pregnancy loss/miscarriage?, although no one knows for sure how PCOS affects pregnancy. Many women with this problem carry the fetus until the 40th week.

What increases the risk of miscarriage

  1. Mother's age. The risk of miscarriage in women aged 20-24 years is 8.9%, after 45 years - 74.7% Maternal age and fetal loss: population based register linkage study.
  2. Bad habits. Smoking and drugs (in any quantities), alcohol (more than 50 ml of strong drinks per week).
  3. Caffeine. A small amount of caffeine does not affect the fetus, so up to 200 mg of caffeine per day can be taken. Usually this rate is twice as high. how much caffeine is in tea and coffee, so as not to get confused.
  4. Obesity.

What does not affect miscarriage

Contrary to many myths, pregnancy cannot be prevented by:

  1. Stresses and experiences of a pregnant woman, fear.
  2. Any daily activity Early Pregnancy Loss, including work (if it is not initially related to harmful activities).
  3. Sports and, if there are no contraindications to them, which the gynecologist will tell about.
  4. Spicy food.
  5. Flying.

What to do if a miscarriage occurs

In any case, you need to visit a doctor to check if there are any unnecessary tissues left in the uterus. As a rule, the body gets rid of everything superfluous itself. Sometimes the uterus needs help: either take a medicine that opens its cervix, or resort to surgical methods.

To find out the cause of the miscarriage, you need to take a complete blood count, check for infections and examine the uterus. Together with a partner, you can get checked by a geneticist and identify chromosomal abnormalities. However, it is not a fact that these analyzes and examinations will tell something: there are still too many mysteries in this matter.

One of the most difficult tasks after a miscarriage is to cope with the feeling and not blame yourself for what happened. Everyone experiences problems differently, but just in case, remember:

  1. If the pregnancy was interrupted, then most likely the fetus had no chance, no matter how cynical it may sound.
  2. We are not to blame for the fact that the human body is so complex and so difficult to reproduce.
  3. Miscarriages are common, and after them, most women get pregnant and give birth without much difficulty.
  4. Worrying and being sad is normal.
  5. If you find it difficult, you can always seek psychological help.

What can we do to prevent miscarriage

Sadly, almost nothing.

If the miscarriage is due to genetic causes, then we are powerless. If infections are to blame, then we can (for example, from rubella and influenza) or try to avoid infection. If chronic diseases are to blame for the miscarriage, then we can treat them or at least control them.

But in most cases, a miscarriage is not the fault of the parents, but a complex, albeit terrible, from our point of view, selection mechanism.

One of the greatest and most long-awaited joys for a woman is, of course, the joy of motherhood. Having learned about her pregnancy (according to the results of a test or with the confirmation of a doctor), a woman already casually looks at the windows with children's things and toys, plans how and where she will give birth, comes up with a name for the future baby, etc. True, no one around has yet notices that you are pregnant, because the baby inside you is very tiny and is just starting its difficult path of development and growth.

Unfortunately, your happiness may be overshadowed ‒ medical statistics claims that a quarter of early pregnancies end in miscarriages. At this time, a woman may not yet know about the changes in her body. Then it is a little easier for her to cope with the pain of loss.

How to avoid early miscarriage? To do this, expectant mothers need to know what can provoke a miscarriage, what symptoms and signs it is accompanied by, how to prevent them and whether they can be avoided.

This problem in medicine is considered quite serious, because it is often encountered, and in most cases the process is almost impossible to stop. If a miscarriage or spontaneous termination of pregnancy occurs at the very beginning, then the woman may not even understand what happened.

Without realizing her position, the woman simply thinks that the menstrual cycle has gone astray or there has been a delay (usually a week or two). Then some feel slight pain in the abdomen, and menstruation begins, which, however, can go much more abundantly than usual. Far from all women treat such women, but only those who were frightened by a blood clot that came out, similar to a burst bubble.

Nonetheless, worth going to the doctor even if nothing else bothers you. They will do an examination to see if it really was an early miscarriage, and also check if additional cleaning is needed after that.

If a woman knows about her pregnancy, then she needs to be very attentive to any manifestations of pain or discomfort in the abdomen and back. The slightest smearing character with an admixture of blood or tissue clots is already dangerous. Sometimes pregnancy is still possible so you should contact your doctor immediately.

Spontaneous termination of pregnancy occurs before 12 weeks, which is classified as an early miscarriage. If it happens before 22 weeks, it will be too late. Unfortunately, this also happens for a variety of reasons. Further, doctors define this threat as premature birth, and with prompt and timely intervention, they can save a premature baby.

Causes of threatened miscarriage in early pregnancy

Why does an early miscarriage occur? Sometimes a woman faces this problem several times in a row. Doctors call this recurrent miscarriage.

It is very difficult to determine the cause of spontaneous miscarriage at an early stage; this will require a comprehensive detailed examination, many different tests and appropriate treatment.

But it may also happen that even this will not help, that is, the termination of pregnancy will be affected by factors that simply cannot be predicted or prevented.

The main reasons that cause or provoke a miscarriage are a number of socio-biological and medical factors. The first group is purely personal and subjective reasons:

  • unfavourable conditions(place of work in hazardous production, radiation, exposure to environmental toxins, severe psycho-emotional background and microclimate in the family, etc.);
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle and bad habits (if you are, then you should quit smoking, do not drink alcohol, give up strict diets, excessive coffee consumption, adjust your diet and daily routine);
  • woman's age is also often one of the causes of miscarriage;
  • stressful situations, nervous shocks or strong feelings - this is a serious threat to a small life. A woman should protect herself from all this, but in no case do not take sedatives so as not to harm the baby even more. It is better to consult a doctor to find the right way out if stress cannot be avoided;
  • do not ignore the danger that all kinds of physical exercise. Give up hard physical work and do not lift weights (even grocery bags that weigh more than 5 kg are taboo for you). Sports should also be approached with caution. Some types, especially extreme ones, cannot be combined with pregnancy. Be careful with hot baths, baths or saunas;
  • if it happened to you accident(unforeseen emergency, car accident, etc.) so that you are seriously injured or injured, the body may not be able to keep the pregnancy going. Even a slight fall due to negligence is dangerous (uncomfortable shoes, ice, etc.).

Medical reasons or women's health problems

  1. Doctors say that early miscarriage is most often provoked genetic disorders or abnormalities in the fetus. A woman may suffer from a hereditary form of pathology, although there are single mutations that lead to the death of the embryo. This is influenced by a whole range of different factors: radiation, viruses, unfavorable environmental conditions, etc. It is no longer possible to control or stop this process. Thus, nature itself produces a kind of control, relieving you of unviable offspring. However, doctors recommend that couples who want to conceive a healthy child seek advice from a geneticist, as well as carefully prepare for the upcoming pregnancy.
  2. Very often, the cause of spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages is hormonal disorders in a woman's body. If you detect the problem in time and seek help from a doctor, then this threat can be eliminated. The most common complaints are of a lack, although there are cases of an increased content of male hormones. Problems with the thyroid gland and adrenal glands, which prevent the organs from functioning correctly and fully, also cause miscarriages. Usually in such cases, hormone therapy or appropriate treatment is prescribed. It is better to check the condition of your body before pregnancy.
  3. Any pathology of the immune system threatened with abortion. The most common manifestation is considered to be a complication in the form of an Rhesus conflict. This means that your body is fighting a foreign embryo and rejecting it, because its blood Rh factor is negative, and it was taken from dad - positive. If there is such a possibility, then doctors recommend prophylaxis with immunomodulators.
  4. Very dangerous for pregnancy of any kind infections. This includes all sexually transmitted diseases: herpetic and cytomegalovirus infections, toxoplasmosis, chlamydia, syphilis, trichomoniasis and others. Due to the fact that the fetal membranes are affected by viruses and pathogenic bacteria, the fetus itself can also be infected, which leads to miscarriage.
  5. Also a serious risk for the baby are inflammatory diseases internal organs and even common infectious diseases: viral hepatitis, rubella, influenza or tonsillitis with complications and fever, pneumonia and others. When planning a pregnancy, pay close attention to your health in order to identify and eliminate any possible hazards.
  6. A huge stress for the female body should be called abortion. If previous pregnancies were interrupted artificially, then there is a huge risk of complications that lead to miscarriage or even secondary infertility. Be sure to tell your doctor if you have had an abortion before.
  7. The first trimester of pregnancy practically excludes the use of any medicines, medicines and even herbs. All this often poses a great threat to the life of the fetus and affects its development. Never self-medicate, because even elementary parsley in the form of seasoning can lead to. Always consult your gynecologist and read the instructions carefully.

Also cause miscarriage individual characteristics of the organism women. So, if she suffers from congenital anomalies in the structure of the uterus, isthmic-cervical insufficiency, oncological diseases of the genital organs or other pathologies, then often the pregnancy simply cannot be preserved.

The threat of miscarriage in the early stages: signs and symptoms

How to recognize an early miscarriage and what are the symptoms?

There are several main stages of spontaneous abortion, since it does not happen all at once. Each of these stages is characterized by its own symptoms of the threat of miscarriage in the early stages, and sometimes this can be stopped or prevented if you seek medical attention in time.

So, the first signs of a miscarriage in the early stages, which should alert you any symptoms of pain or pain in the back and in the abdomen, which are accompanied by brown or red discharge. Sound the alarm even if a few drops of blood appear from the vagina, because this may already indicate an early miscarriage. Also pay attention to your condition: have the main signs of pregnancy disappeared?

Not to be missed scheduled visits to the doctor, passing mandatory tests or necessary examinations. So you can exclude any pathologies in the development of your baby and be sure that the pregnancy is going well.

The main stages of a miscarriage

  1. Threat or risk spontaneous abortion. This condition happens very often, which is why some women are forced to lie down for almost the entire 9 months. It is characterized by the above-mentioned cramping pains and spotting, sometimes even very copious. You can also note the increased tone of the uterus.
  2. The second stage is more serious - it is already classified as incipient miscarriage or spontaneous abortion. The fetal egg has already partially exfoliated from the walls of the uterus, so the symptoms of spontaneous miscarriage in the early stages will be pronounced. But doctors still consider this stage to be reversible, that is, with prompt and qualified intervention, they can save the life of your child.
  3. With the so-called "miscarriage in motion" pregnancy can't be saved. At this stage, the woman feels severe and sharp pain, and profuse bleeding occurs almost immediately. The fertilized egg has already died, and the cervix is ​​open, so it can come out all at once or in parts, which will be considered an incomplete miscarriage.
  4. The last stage is the completed spontaneous abortion. The uterus, having expelled the dead fetal egg, contracts and returns to its previous size.

Treatment and consequences after a miscarriage in early pregnancy

What to do after a miscarriage in early pregnancy? If, nevertheless, it happened that the pregnancy could not be maintained, and you lost the child, then you need to undergo therapy, which is mandatory after a miscarriage. The doctor should send you to body examination to determine the cause that provoked the miscarriage (if this has not been done before).

It is imperative to check whether the fetal egg has completely left the walls of the uterus, since with an incomplete or failed abortion, you will need curettage. There will also antibiotics are prescribed, which will help to cope with a possible infection, and hormonal contraceptives. This will stabilize your hormones.

In addition to physical stress on the body, miscarriage is very serious. psychological and emotional test for any woman. The pain of loss can develop into a severe prolonged depression, especially if the pregnancy was long-awaited and desired. Do not withdraw into yourself during this difficult time, try to trust your spouse, parents, loved ones, so that they support you and help you survive grief. Allow yourself to grieve and cry, you can even seek help from a psychologist if you are unable to cope with your feelings.

Do not be afraid of the same failures in the future and despair. Just be more responsible with your next one early. Remember that the body is still restoration required, so do not rush to become a mother again for at least six months. During this time, you can get rid of existing problems, drink on drink, undergo complex therapy prescribed by the doctor.

The right psychological attitude and only positive thoughts are also very important, that everything will be fine with you, and after a certain period of time you will take your long-awaited baby in your arms.

If you find out that you carry a small life in you, then you need to minimize the potential risks that can lead to miscarriages as much as possible. Follow simple rules: adjust your diet, give up bad habits, lead a healthy lifestyle, do not overwork, be extremely careful, avoid stress and nervous shocks.

Be sure to stand on registration in women's clinic. The doctor will help identify diseases or problems that you did not know about, but which may pose a threat to the child. Timely treatment or prevention will help prevent the threat of miscarriage. Follow all the recommendations that your gynecologist gives you.

At the slightest sign of danger immediately go to the hospital. In most cases, the pregnancy can still be saved. If you have experienced the loss of a child, do not despair and do not be alone with your pain.

Video about miscarriage in the first trimester of pregnancy

We invite you to watch one of the series of a pregnancy video guide, where you will be told about such a problem as a miscarriage, what can be the cause and how to survive the loss.

Please share in the comments have you faced similar problem: what helped you prevent the threat, what symptoms and signs did it accompany, did you prepare for conception in advance, what kind of therapy did you undergo?