How the planets interact. Interactions of the planets in the horoscope

The planets interact with the Sun and with each other. The law of universal gravitation explains the nature of this interaction. If this interaction did not exist, the planets would fly away into outer space. The solar system would cease to exist. On Earth, the action of the Moon is noticeably manifested: twice a day there are high and low tides. The planets are too far away from the Earth to have any noticeable effect on the Earth with their attraction, reflected sunlight or magnetic field.

And yet there is an interaction of the planets, otherwise there would be no disturbances, i.e. deviations of planets from trajectories calculated according to Kepler's laws. And after all, it was the planets that “helped” Newton discover the law of universal gravitation. And even earlier, astronomers began to conduct systematic observations of the starry sky. Accounting for the movement of planets against the background of stars is the basis of astrology. This science is engaged in the compilation of horoscopes, predictions of human destinies, social events, natural disasters, wars based on the relative positions of planets and stars.

The planets, including our Earth, experience the action of celestial bodies from space. The result is craters on the surface of the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars and its satellites, satellites of the giant planets. Observations from the orbital stations of our planet confirm this fact. There is reason to believe that some of the craters were formed as a result of the collision of the planet with the nucleus of a comet. Giant planets, for example, Jupiter, by their attraction can change the trajectory of the comet, affect its movement. There is no doubt that our Earth is also capable of greatly changing the motion of some celestial bodies: asteroids, comets, meteoroids (with a diameter of up to 1 km) flying by. However, close passages are unlikely, rare events.

Earth's gravity, for example, has changed the shape and speed of the moon's rotation. You can also say about the riddle of Venus. This planet rotates towards the Earth all the time with the same hemisphere, moving like all the planets in the same direction around the Sun, but rotates around its own axis in the opposite direction. Many scientists tend to believe that the movement of Venus was influenced by the action of the Earth. The effect of the Earth on other planets is also manifested in the fact that earthlings began to study the planets with the help of automatic stations, thereby influencing them: dropping instruments, devices, probes. People visited the moon, collected samples of lunar rocks and conducted various studies there, the analysis of which helps to find out the structural features of the satellite of our planet.

The sun, moon, large planets, their rather large satellites and the vast majority of distant stars are spherical in shape. In all cases, the reason for this is gravity. Gravitational forces act on all bodies in the universe. Any mass attracts another mass to itself the stronger, the smaller the distance between them, and in no way can this attraction be changed (strengthened or weakened) ....

The world of stone is diverse and amazing. In deserts, on mountain ranges, in caves, under water and on plains, stones worked by the forces of nature resemble Gothic temples and outlandish animals, harsh warriors and fantastic landscapes. Nature everywhere and in everything shows its wild imagination. The stone chronicle of the planet was written over billions of years. It was created by hot lava flows, dunes…

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Chapter 4. Gravitational interaction of stars and planets in galaxies

Gravity in Newton's theory

Gravity (attraction, universal gravitation, gravitation) is a universal fundamental interaction between all material bodies. For small spaces and velocities, the gravitational interaction is described by Newton's theory of gravitation, and in a more general case, by Einstein's general theory of relativity. Gravity is considered the weakest of the four types of fundamental interactions, but the most long-range. If nuclear forces build the nuclei of atoms, electromagnetic forces build atoms and molecules, then gravity builds planetary and stellar systems, galaxies and, possibly, even the Metagalaxy. In the quantum limit, the gravitational interaction must be described by the quantum theory of gravity, which is not yet sufficiently developed.

In the concept of universal gravitation, two main theses can be distinguished: 1 - each physical body with a non-zero mass has the ability to attract other physical bodies; 2 - the force of this attraction decreases in inverse proportion to the square of the distance to the "force center", i.e. the range of this attraction is theoretically unlimited. It is believed that both these theses are reliably confirmed by experience, and there are no grounds for doubting their validity.

However, there are grounds for such doubts. There is no direct evidence of the gravitational attraction of blanks to each other in laboratory conditions. The concept of universal gravitation does not provide a clear explanation for ocean tidal phenomena. Why on Earth, under the influence of the Moon's attraction, not one hump appears in the direction towards the Moon, but two - in the direction towards the Moon and in the opposite direction from the Moon? Gravimetric measurements have shown the inhomogeneity of the distribution of the Earth's gravitating masses in the globe: it turned out that the gravitational force on the surface of the planet is not the same, there are gravitational anomalies. And small cosmic bodies do not have their own gravitation at all, and the gravitation of the Moon acts only in a small circumlunar region, far from reaching the Earth, which is why the Earth does not revolve around the center of mass common with the Moon.

Gravity is the most mysterious physical phenomenon. In Newtonian theory, gravity is the force of gravity, or the force of weight. According to Newton, the essence of gravity is that all bodies attract each other with a force proportional to their mass and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. According to Newton, gravity is a direct interaction between bodies. This interaction is determined by the Law of Universal Gravitation. No special gravitational field exists in Newton's theory, since the force of attraction acts at a distance through the void. Newton's theory of gravity is convenient for understanding many processes under Earth conditions, for example, when calculating static loads on building structures, calculating the trajectory of projectiles, etc. It is a convenient and visual theory taught in schools.

But today man has gone beyond the circle of phenomena in which Newton's theory was formed in the 17th century. At the beginning of the 20th century, Albert Einstein explained the essence of gravity in a new way, which is reflected in the General Theory of Relativity (GR) he created. This theory explains the gravitational interactions of bodies on a cosmic scale by the curvature of space by gravitating bodies. The degree of curvature is proportional to the mass of the bodies. But on the scale of the earth's surface and movements on it, it makes no sense to use general relativity, since it cannot give anything new, and if it does, then only meager corrections in calculations, which can be completely neglected.

But the stumbling block for Newton's theory was weightlessness, which occurs when a body falls freely or when a body moves in orbit around a gravitating mass. We know very well that bodies in an orbital ship have no weight, although they seem to feel the gravity of the Earth. According to Newtonian concepts, the force of gravity is related to gravity. But then why is the acceleration of free fall of bodies the same, regardless of the mass of these bodies? This was established by Galileo, throwing objects of different weights from the Leaning Tower of Pisa. Released at the same time, having a different mass, they also reached the ground at the same time.

Imagine a skydiver on an airplane before jumping. He stands in front of a doorway and is in the gravitational field of the Earth, he is affected by an attractive force equal to his weight. This is what Newton thinks. But now he takes a step out the door. It is clear that the gravitational field of the Earth did not disappear and did not change. And the force of gravity (the weight of the parachutist) also could not change. But the skydiver went into a weightless state and lost his weight, gravity suddenly disappeared. Then what happened to the skydiver when he took his step over the side of the plane? It turns out that he got rid of the force of gravity acting on him in the plane. This force came from the support, from the floor of the plane. And when he took a step outside the plane, he became weightless, became free. The force of gravity ceased to act on him, but this force caused the acceleration of his fall. But why do both heavy and light bodies dropped from an aircraft have the same acceleration value ((g = 9.8 m/s per second)?

We dealt with the parachutist. But why is weightlessness also reigning in an orbital ship moving around the Earth? There seems to be no acceleration of movement, the speed of the ship in orbit does not change, and the weight of the bodies in the orbital ship and the ship itself have disappeared. Why?

And the fall of bodies of different masses from the Leaning Tower of Pisa with the same acceleration is also incomprehensible. It seems to follow from the formula that the acceleration of bodies with a smaller mass should be greater. Physicists have found a clever way out of this difficulty, they took and equated the mass of the body to the weight of this body. It turned out that in the numerator and in the denominator the same value - the weight (F) is equal to the mass (m), (the weight of the body is numerically equal to its mass, as physicists say). In fact, such an explanation looks like a vicious circle - a logical trap like: "oil is oil because it is oil." Great explanation, right? It turns out that gravity cannot be explained by Newton's theory. Gravity is not a normal force.

Gravity in particle physics

The strong nuclear interaction involves quarks and gluons and particles composed of them - hadrons (baryons and mesons). This interaction exists on the scale of the atomic nucleus and less, this interaction provides communication between quarks in hadrons and provides attraction in nuclei between nucleons (nucleons are a kind of baryons (proton + neutron)). For the first time, physicists announced the strong interaction in the 1930s of the twentieth century, when it became clear that it was impossible to explain what binds nucleons in the nucleus either with the help of gravity or with the help of electromagnetic interaction. H. Yukawa suggested in 1935 that nucleons in nuclei bind to each other with the help of new particles - pi-mesons (or pions). Pions were discovered experimentally in 1947. One nucleon emits a pion, and another nucleon absorbs it, and it's this pion exchange process that keeps the nucleons together so the nucleus doesn't fall apart. Figuratively, this can be imagined as a game of volleyball: while the players pass the ball to each other, they (the players) are a system - two playing teams, and do not leave the playground. This system really exists while the ball is being exchanged between the players. But then the game stops, the ball is hidden in a bag and taken away, the players disperse, and the system no longer exists.

The magnitude of the strong interaction as a result of the exchange of pions between nucleons is so large that it makes it possible not to take into account their electromagnetic interaction (after all, similarly charged protons are known to repel each other). However, the interaction of nucleons in the nucleus is not "elementary", since nucleons in turn consist of quarks and hadrons. And quarks, in turn, also strongly interact with each other, exchanging hadrons.

In the 1950s, a huge number of new elementary particles were discovered, most of which had a very short lifetime. All these particles were carriers, or more precisely, factors of the strong interaction. They had different properties, differed from each other in spins and charges; there was a certain regularity in their mass distribution and in the nature of their decay, but it was not known where it came from.

By analogy with the pion-nucleon interaction, a model was constructed of strong interactions and these hadrons holding quarks together. But difficulties arose: some of the observed processes could not be explained, then they were simply postulated in the form of "game rules" that hadrons supposedly obey (Zweig's rule, conservation of isospin and G-parity, etc.). Although such a description of processes worked on the whole, it was certainly formal: too much had to be postulated, a large number of free parameters were introduced quite arbitrarily. The number of entities used in explanation has increased dramatically, and this is contrary to the principle of Occam's Razor ("Nature avoids unnecessary complexity, therefore, researchers of Nature should also avoid it").

In the mid-1960s, it became clear that there were not very many fundamental degrees of freedom for hadrons. These degrees of freedom are called quarks. Experiments a few years later showed that quarks are not just abstract degrees of freedom of a hadron, but real particles that carry momentum, charge, and spin. The only problem was how to explain why the quarks do not leave the hadron - they cannot fly out of it in any reactions. ("Only in flight do planes live...").

In the 1970s, the theory of the strong interaction of quarks was constructed, which was called "quantum chromodynamics" (QCD). Each quark has an internal quantum number, conventionally called "color". To be more precise, there are several types of quarks, and these types are somewhat different from each other. And this “something” physicists have unsuccessfully called “color”. They did this, most likely, in order to confuse non-physicists so that they could not understand anything at their scientific conferences and thought about physicists: “Well, how smart these nuclear physicists are!” In addition, in addition to the already existing degrees of freedom (color), a quark is also assigned a certain state vector in a complex three-dimensional "color" space. And in this special space, which determines the "color" of quarks, there is a "rotation" of quarks, on which the properties of the world do not depend (they are invariant to these rotations). The quanta of this "colored Qurq field" are called gluons. In my opinion, gluons can be figuratively represented as some kind of glare in color music.

Since each type of gluon defines a certain type of rotation in the "color space of quarks", the number of independent gluon fields is eight. However, all gluons interact with all quarks with the same force. The "color interaction" between quarks and gluons is described by the extremely complex mathematical calculations of quantum chromodynamics, and therefore their elementary understanding is simply impossible. Even the physicists themselves do not understand this! As a result, a strange picture emerges: next to mathematically rigorous calculations, semi-quantitative approaches based on quantum mechanical intuition coexist, which, however, satisfactorily describe the experimental data. On this occasion, I would like to note that in the theory of elementary particles (especially in chromodynamics) today a situation has arisen similar to the one that was in Ptolemy's astronomy, when astronomers tried to explain the return motions and loops that the planets wrote out, moving allegedly in orbits around motionless Earth, by some "pericycles". Just like the nuclear physicists, the sorceress acts, burning the slippers of the person she wants to harm. Sometimes, after burning, a person really becomes ill - he caught a cold and got the flu, hooligans attacked and beat him, a girl fell out of love, etc. Conclusion: burning slippers really works!

Physicists are looking for a particle - the Higgs boson, which is associated with the mechanism of mass formation. If it is proved that it exists, then the theory that describes the interaction of elementary particles will be confirmed. Then the origin of mass with the help of the Higgs mechanism will be clear and the hierarchy of masses will become clear. Peter Higgs suggested that the Universe is permeated with an invisible field, passing through which, elementary particles "acquire" mass, and bosons are mass carriers. This process looks like this: an important particle, which, however, does not have mass, “wanders around the hall at the reception”, and as it moves, “toadies” stick to it. It is these "sycophants" that they are trying to detect with the help of the hadron collider. Perhaps soon physicists will be able to explain how something appears from nothing.

According to the theory that physicists want to experimentally confirm at the collider, space is filled with the Higgs field, and interacting with it, particles acquire mass. Particles that interact strongly with this field become heavy, and those that interact weakly become light. The search for the Higgs boson is one of the main tasks of the Large Hadron Collider.

Unconventional Understandings of Gravity

Field physics (as an alternative to the interaction of bodies with the help of forces acting through a void at a distance) to explain the attraction of bodies uses the concept of a field environment as a real physical entity subject to internal dynamics. The mechanism of field interaction of material objects, according to this concept, consists in the transfer of mutual influence through a continuous field medium. Four types of fundamental interactions are known. Two of them - electromagnetic and gravitational - lend themselves to the classical description. The other two - strong (nuclear) and weak (decay and interconversion of elementary particles) - are not expressed in the form of an elementary dependence of the magnitude of the action on the corresponding charges and distance and serve as auxiliary concepts for explaining phenomena that are not fully understood in the microcosm.

Field physics considers only two types of interactions as fundamental - gravitational and electrical. They are similar and symmetrical: - under classical conditions, they obey the same inverse square laws (the intensity of interaction decreases in direct proportion to the square of the distance between the interacting bodies). The difference between these two types of interactions lies at the level of formation of electric charge and gravitational charge. The gravitational interaction dominates on a cosmic scale (global field), while the effect of masking the property of gravitational repulsion - anti-gravity appears. The electric field plays an important role in local phenomena and, due to the dominance of the global gravitational field, acquires the symmetrical properties of attraction and repulsion. Strong and weak interactions are not considered in field physics as fundamental. They and the effects related to them are the result of the combined action of ordinary gravity and electricity in certain conditions. For example, field physics explains why at very small distances between similar electric charges (protons), instead of repulsion, there is a very strong attraction and even the potential of nuclear forces is formed.

Gravity is not a force at all, but a property. It consists in changing the nature of the space-field around the gravitating body. Every body is surrounded by a space-field changed by this body - a kind of gravitational halo. This halo is carried by the body. The Earth's gravitational halo exists as realistically as the Earth's atmosphere, ionosphere or magnetosphere exists. This halo (halo) cannot break away from the body in “independent swimming”, it moves with it.

If the electromagnetic field and its waves have propagation speed (the speed of light), which depends on the movement of the sources of these oscillations, then gravity propagates instantly. In contrast to electromagnetism, gravity is associated with sources of gravity of the same sign: no gravity (+) and gravity (-). The gravitational charge is the mass of the body. It is always positive, and the conservation law holds for it. Therefore, a gravitational field cannot arise from anywhere. When a body with a certain mass moves, its gravitational field also moves. At a great distance from the body, its gravitational field disappears altogether, and we will not be able to detect it by any means. Gravitational fields detached from their sources do not seem to exist. Thus, the gravitational field is fundamentally different from all other physical fields.

The basis of Galilean mechanics is the idea of inertial reference systems in which free bodies move uniformly and rectilinearly or are at rest if no forces act on them. This is like an obvious axiom that physics teachers hammer into the head of schoolchildren thoroughly. All other frames of reference are non-inertial. Non-inertial reference systems, for example, are systems consisting of rotating and oscillating bodies. However, the concept of inertial systems is not an obvious axiom, since they simply do not exist.

Galileev space is the space in which one can introduce an inertial frame of reference. However, in reality, such a space does not exist anywhere, just as there are no inertial systems in the Universe. The inertial system is pure fiction of Galileo. But if it is impossible to introduce an inertial frame of reference in space, then such a space is called non-Galilean. Any real space, including the space in which our Universe exists, is non-Galilean. It is gravity that makes space non-Galilean. If there were no gravity, then inertia motions would be possible - rectilinear and uniform. And gravity makes natural movements much more complex. These can be movements in circles, ellipses, parabolas, hyperbolas, spirals and even more complex and intricate trajectories. The most complex trajectories of the planets and their satellites, as well as interplanetary spacecraft in free flight, clearly testify to this.

According to I.V. Kalugin, gravity is the highest form of energy with zero entropy. The reserves of nuclear energy in the Universe make up a small fraction of its gravitational energy. The mass of a body is a measure of its inertia. Inertia is the property of a body to maintain the speed of its movement or state of rest in the event that no force acts on it. But if gravity is not a gravitational force, then how do bodies in a gravitational field move by inertia?! However, mechanics asserts that the motion of bodies in an orbit is not uniform, but accelerated motion. Again a contradiction!

Einstein suggested that the gravitational field behaves in the same way as the electromagnetic one, but all attempts to detect any gravitational waves have so far been unsuccessful. It is possible that the speed of their propagation is so great that any instrument will show that the change in this field occurs instantly, since there is not enough time resolution. And this is due exclusively to the problem of measurement. But there is another point of view: gravitational waves propagate really instantaneously. In this case, talking about the speed of their distribution is simply absurd.

In my opinion, Nikolo Tesla came closest to understanding the nature of gravity, who believed that space is filled with ether - some kind of invisible substance that transmits vibrations at a speed many times greater than the speed of light. Each millimeter of space, Tesla believed, is saturated with limitless, endless energy, which you just need to be able to extract. Modern physicists have failed to interpret Tesla's views on physical reality. He himself did not formulate these principles into a theory. One thing is clear: if the ether really exists, then it is an absolutely elastic medium. Only in such an environment can gravitational signals propagate instantaneously.

According to the theory of field gravity, two bodies moving in a field medium perturb it. Perturbations from each body propagate in the field environment and reach another body, changing the nature of its movement. A quantitative description of such a mechanism using the field equation of motion allows one to obtain both Newton's second law and the law of universal gravitation (the inverse square law), thus proving the applicability of the field model to gravity. Field physics shows that to describe gravity, one should use the concept of gravitational charge - an analogue of electric charge. Moreover, the gravitational charge does not always coincide with the usual mass (inertial mass). The inverse square law and classical mechanics turn out to be valid for gravitational interaction only under limited conditions. At very large cosmic distances and very small nuclear distances, completely different mechanics should be used to describe gravity, which can lead to very interesting results.

The gravitational field of the universe

The gravitational field of the Universe plays not just the role of a background against which events and interactions take place, but, on the contrary, it has a decisive influence on many processes at any point in the Universe. In this regard, the global gravitational field is included in almost all equations of field mechanics, even if they are not directly related to the study of gravitational effects. "Global field" is one of the basic concepts of field physics. It is understood as the total gravitational field of all objects in the Universe. For the Earth and the Solar system as a whole, the main component of the global field is the gravitational field of the Milky Way Galaxy and, above all, its central part - the nucleus. The Earth and the Solar System move under its influence as a whole, so the global field does not lead to the appearance of relative accelerations of bodies on the Earth.

The masses of bodies are not their internal "innate" characteristics, but are due to external fields. The global field turns out to be the external field that creates the bulk of the mass of all bodies on Earth and in the solar system. This mass is the classical rest mass.

The center of the Galaxy, determining the masses of all bodies, also sets the preferred frame of reference - the main reference point for relative motion. In field physics, it is proved that a body left to itself (in the absence of external forces) will retain the nature of its motion not in relation to the inertial frame of reference or space as such, but in relation to the source of its mass, i.e. to the center of the Galaxy. That is why the Earth, in a certain approximation, can be considered as an inertial frame of reference.

The construction of a dynamic model of the behavior of the global field itself makes it possible to explain the structure of our Galaxy and the distribution of velocities of stellar systems without involving the dark matter hypothesis. It is noteworthy that the concepts of gravity in field physics make it possible to naturally explain such relativistic effects as the redshift or the anomalous shift of the perihelion of Mercury, without resorting to the terms of general relativity, non-Euclidean geometry and tensor analysis. Moreover, the explanations of field physics turn out to be much clearer and simpler both from the logical and mathematical points of view, although they lead to the same numerical results, which are quite consistent with the experiment.

Field physics points to the existence of gravimagnetic forces - forces of a gravitational nature that arise during the movement of gravitating objects, just as ordinary magnetic forces act between moving electric charges. Another important consequence of field physics is the identification of conditions under which gravitational attraction turns into gravitational repulsion. Or in other words, field physics indicates the conditions for the emergence of antigravity, and antigravity is understood not as a force of a different nature that opposes gravitational attraction, but precisely, the force of gravitational repulsion of bodies.

Antigravity is understood as gravitational repulsion - a kind of gravitational analogue of the repulsion of electric charges. Modern physics identifies the concept of gravitational charge and mass, while these are completely different phenomena. In field physics, it is proved that the gravitational charge does not always coincide with the inertial mass, and the equivalence of the inertial mass and the gravitational mass observed under terrestrial conditions is nothing more than a special case. This means that gravitational charges of a different sign can exist.

Gravitational repulsion can occur even in terrestrial conditions with the most ordinary particles or bodies in very strong electromagnetic fields, the energy of which exceeds the rest mass energy of interacting objects. Under these conditions, gravitational attraction is replaced by gravitational repulsion. Within the framework of the concept of dynamic mass, there is reason to believe that under these conditions, it is not the birth of an antiparticle with the opposite charge that takes place, but a change in the sign of the total mass of an ordinary particle. Creating conditions in which gravitational repulsion occurs is a technically extremely difficult task. It requires careful study, including from an experimental and engineering point of view. But within the framework of field physics, antigravity (gravitational repulsion) is moving from the realm of mysticism and fantasy into the realm of objective scientific study. In field physics, for the first time, a fundamental understanding arises of how and under what conditions gravitational repulsion can occur between bodies.

When one body rotates around another, the effect of weightlessness occurs. Orbital motion is not accelerated motion, but a special type of motion. An orbiting body weighs nothing, although it has mass, and when the rotational motion is accelerated, the body receives centrifugal acceleration, in general, it is repelled from the body around which it rotated.

In part, the idea of ​​a field environment inherits the ideas of the ether as a mediator of physical interactions, but eliminates all the contradictions associated with it. The behavior of the field environment partly resembles the behavior of the physical vacuum. Two types of perturbations can exist in it. The first of these is due to the motion of particles and leads mainly to classical behavior. The second is related to its own processes and disturbances in the field environment, which, as a rule, leads to quantum behavior, expansion of this environment. In one of my Internet articles, I already wrote about the expansion of the Metagalaxy as another type of movement.

Inertia is one of the fundamental properties of physical bodies. The quantitative measure of the inertia of a body is its mass. Field physics explains otherwise the nature of the inertial mass", and also indicates the limited nature of" principle of inertia". So, according to a field physicist, in the absence of external forces, the body will move not in a straight line, but in a spiral, and only in small areas of space can a segment of such a spiral be approximately considered a segment of a straight line.

According to field physics, mass is acquired by bodies due to external interactions. A body isolated from these influences has no mass at all. The presence of field connections of the object under study with other objects prevents a change in the nature of its movement, and the more such connections, the greater the obstacles. This is expressed in the appearance of the property of inertia - an obstacle to changing the nature of the object's movement. Illustrative examples of the appearance of the property of mass can be such concepts as the added mass or effective mass. The field equation of motion determines the dynamics of bodies in the field environment:

In this formula, the function of the field connection W of the body under study with other bodies coincides with the classical concept of potential energy and determines the speed of the body under study u. The ratio of the field coupling function W to the square of the speed of light c just has the meaning of mass m.
If we enter the force F as the gradient of the field coupling function (with a minus sign):

then the expression corresponding to the concept of mass m will take the form:

This so-called field mass formula allows you to connect the traditional concept of mass with field characteristics. The concepts of the nature of mass in field physics are largely consonant with the Mach principle and are its physical realization. However, it should be noted that the Mach principle is not postulated in field physics, but is actually proved, becomes a consequence of the unification of the field interactions of a particular body with all the gravitating masses of the Universe.

Gravitational systems in the Universe

1. Gravitational systems "star-planets" and "planet-satellites"

It is well known that the planets revolve around the Sun in certain orbits, and the satellites of the planets - also in certain orbits - revolve around their planets. In addition, the Sun, planets and their natural satellites rotate around their axes. As a result of these rotations (whirling), there are very stable systems of space bodies, which are gravitational systems. Bodies in gravitational systems are with each other in certain relations - such that their rotations are due to gravity. So rotation is an elementary type of motion in the universe. Non-uniform and rectilinear motion should be considered elementary (the initial state of bodies), namely, motion in circles, ellipses and parabolas. There is no uniform and rectilinear motion in nature and cannot be.

Until the end of the 19th century, only astronomers and physicists knew about the existence of gravitational systems. Most of the people then did not have the slightest idea about them and did not think about it at all, did not try to imagine how these huge balls - the planets and their satellites - are kept and moved in the black airless space. Perhaps, for the first time, the population of the planet thought about the fact that, while living on Earth, we also live in the solar system, after the first orbital flight of Yuri Gagarin on April 12, 1962. Then they suddenly remembered the modest but restless teacher of arithmetic from Kaluga K.E. Tsiolkovsky, who at the end of the 19th century foresaw the breakthrough of Mankind into Space and made calculations of rockets that could overcome the first cosmic velocity and put the ship into the Earth's orbit.

29 years of Tsiolkovsky's life are connected with this house. Here he wrote dozens of works on aeronautics, aviation, and jet propulsion. The first scientific works of Konstantin Tsiolkovsky were published in 1891. During his lifetime, about 100 of his works were published, half of which were published in the form of small brochures. Photo from the site:

Konstantin Eduardovich did not even finish the gymnasium, officially he studied for only 2 years. Deafness did not allow him to finish high school and study at universities. He taught himself, his universities were libraries, and his teachers were books. But the merits of Tsiolkovsky in the creation of the theory of space navigation were recognized by Korolev and Oppenheimer, the general designers of rockets and spacecraft in the USSR and the USA.

Today, space flights are commonplace, even space tourists have appeared. True, only billionaires can afford to fly to the orbital station for a week. I think it’s very interesting to visit a space station for several tens of millions of dollars, experience the state of weightlessness, see how tomatoes float in the cabin of the spacecraft, go to the space toilet and not get dirty, and looking out the window, see the black sky studded with stars, and blue earth in a veil of white clouds. But all this and much more, which space tourists will not see for their money, was clearly represented and described in his writings by Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, to whom the state paid a salary of as much as 20 rubles a month for his work!

There is no fundamental difference between a gravitational system consisting of a star and planets revolving around it, and a gravitational system consisting of a planet with satellites revolving around it. Here and there there is a center of gravity, which strongly influences the movement of "slave" bodies, but they in turn influence its movement, making the orbit of the central body slightly "corrugated". The gravitational system is the more stable, the more coordinated the orbits of the planets or satellites move around the main center of gravity. In a stable gravitational system, the subordinate bodies are in gravitational resonance, and they rotate around their axis in a time equal to one revolution around the central body. They always face the central body on the same side, for example, like the Moon to the Earth.

This is what Jupiter's gravitational system looks like through a telescope. The Galilean satellites Io, Europa, Callisto and Ganymede are in orbital resonance relative to each other: while Ganymede makes one revolution around Jupiter, Callisto manages to make two revolutions, Europa four, and Io eight. All four satellites to Jupiter are turned all the time by one of their sides. Perhaps such a balanced gravitational system of Jupiter is older than the gravitational planetary system of the Sun. The sun captured the Jupiter system already in finished form. Photo from the site:

In this photo we see the planet against the background of a distant star. This is a different planetary system in which the planets and the central star are connected by gravity in the same way that our Sun is connected to its planets. Photo from the site:

For a long time it was believed that most of the stars in the Galaxy move alone, that stars with planets are a rarity in the Universe. Although Giordano Bruno stated as early as 1600 that the stars have planets like the Earth, there are countless inhabited worlds in the universe. They did not believe him, and for such daring thoughts, by decision of the Vatican Inquisition, they burned him alive at the stake so that others would not be embarrassed by his pseudoscience. Only at the end of the twentieth century, astronomers began to instrumentally confirm the presence of planets near stars close to our solar system.

An Earth-like planet in the star system Gliese 581. In the foreground is a half-planet, a so-called brown dwarf. In its atmosphere, thermonuclear fusion is probably going on, but not intensively. Picture from the site:

On the left in the picture: This planet is located in the system of the dwarf star Gliese 581, located in the constellation Libra at a distance of 20 light years (light quanta from it fly 20 years to us). In all basic parameters, the planet is very similar to the Earth. The planet revolves around the star at a much shorter distance than the Earth around the Sun. But the brightness of Gliese 581 is about a third of the brightness of the Sun, so the planet receives about the same amount of light energy as the Earth receives. The planet has enough gravity to hold a decent atmosphere. It may contain water in liquid form on the surface or at a shallow depth. On the surface of the planet, the force of gravity should be approximately equal to that of the earth, and the period of its revolution around the star (its sun) is 37 days, so that a year on this planet lasts a little more than our month.

This discovery was published in Astrophysical Journal, and announced by the US National Science Foundation. The new planet is located right in the middle of the zone around the star, which is called "habitable", since the biosphere is possible on the planets in this zone. This planet is in the galactic "neighbourhood" with the Earth, which suggests the presence of other "Earth-like" planets further in the vicinity of the Sun. I am 100% sure that life in the Universe is not such a rare phenomenon. Life in the Universe is not a miracle, but a pattern, but more on that later.

2. Systems of gravitationally bound stars

Gravitational systems can consist not only of stars and planets revolving around them. Gravitational interactions can also bind stars to each other. This is how gravitational systems of binary and higher multiplicity stars arise, in which less massive stars move around more massive ones, and stars with the same mass rotate around a common center of mass.

The stars Castor and Pollux are the brightest stars in the constellation Gemini. In 1718, Bradley discovered that Castor is not a single, but a double star, consisting of two hot and large stars that orbit very slowly around a common center. The period of revolution in this gravitational system is about 341 Earth years. Castor A and Castor B are about 76 times farther apart than the Earth is from the Sun. In other words, both stars are separated by a distance exceeding the average radius of Pluto's orbit.

There is also a 9th magnitude star near Castor that accompanies Castor A and Castor B on their flight around the center of the Galaxy. Therefore, Castor is considered not a double, but a triple star. Castor C, the third component, is a dwarf reddish star. The distance between it and the large stars of the system is about 960 astronomical units. Castor C revolves around the system of Castor A and Castor B with a period of tens of thousands of years! Not surprisingly, over a century and a half of observation, Castor C has not shifted relative to large Castors.

It was recently discovered that Castor A and Castor B are not single stars, but each of them breaks into two, the distances between which are about 10 million kilometers, which is five times less than the distance from Mercury to the Sun. Castor C also consists of two dwarf twins, only 2.7 million kilometers apart, which is 2.5 times the diameter of the Sun.

Such a whirlwind takes place in the constellation Gemini. If the stars are visible in the sky close to each other and both move in the same direction and at the same speed, this is a sure sign that both stars are gravitationally interconnected, that is, they form a gravitational system.

The stars Castor and Pollux are the heads of the Dioscuri brothers. Their mother was the same - the beautiful Leda, and their fathers were different: Castor was born from the mortal king Tyndareus, and Pollux from the immortal. Drawing from the site:

Moving across the evening sky, the planet Mars found itself in line with the stars Castor and Pollux, two bright stars from the constellation Gemini. Castor in the photo is blue, Pollux is white, and Mars is pinkish. In the lower left corner, the bright star Portio is visible. Photo from the site:

Both stars that make up the Castor C pair revolve around a common center that lies almost in the same plane with our solar system. Because of this, one star from this pair periodically covers part of the other, which is why the overall brightness of this system periodically decreases, then increases. Therefore, Castor C is an eclipsing variable star.

Thus, a system of six suns was discovered, interconnected by mutual gravitational forces. Two pairs of hot huge stars and a pair of cold reddish dwarfs are constantly involved in a complex movement. Twins of the Castor A system make a revolution around the common center of mass in just 9 days, and twins of the Castor B system in 3 days. Reddish dwarfs revolve around a common center even faster - in just 19 hours.

Each of the three pairs of twin stars revolves around a common center of mass. Two centers of mass in the system Castor A and Castor B revolve around a point, which can also be considered the center of mass of the system Castor A and Castor B (ie four suns). And this point, together with the Castor C pair, finally makes a revolution around the main center of mass of the entire system of six suns.

It is possible that in this complex system of 6 stars there may be planets whose sky is decorated with six suns at once. I think that the Castor system is not the only complex system of gravitationally bound stars in the Galaxy. Simply, astronomical observations continue too little to establish systems of stars revolving around common centers of mass and making a complete revolution in centuries and millennia.

Physically, stars are called binary, which form a single dynamic system and revolve around a common center of mass under the action of forces of mutual attraction. Sometimes you can observe associations of three or even more stars (the so-called triple and multiple systems). If both components of a binary star are sufficiently distant from each other so that they are visible separately, then such binaries are called visual binaries. The binarity of pairs whose components are not visible separately can be detected either photometrically (for example, eclipsing variable stars) or spectroscopically (for example, spectroscopic binary stars).

To determine whether there is a physical connection between a pair of stars, and whether this pair is optically double, long-term observations are made, with the help of which the orbital motion of one of the stars relative to the other is determined. The physical duality of such stars can be detected with a high probability from their proper motions, since the stars that form a physical pair have almost the same proper motion. In some cases, only one of the stars is visible, making mutual orbital motion, while its path in the sky looks like a wavy line. The second star in such a pair is very small and dim, or it is not a star at all, but a planet.

Double star Sirius. Small Sirius B revolves around large Sirius A. Photo from the site:

At present, several tens of thousands of visually close binary stars have been discovered. Only a tenth of them confidently detect relative orbital motions, and only for 1% (about 500 stars) it is possible to calculate orbits. The motion of stars in a pair occurs in accordance with Kepler's laws: around a common center of mass, both components describe similar (ie, with the same eccentricity) elliptical orbits in space. The orbit of the satellite star relative to the main star has the same eccentricity, if the latter is considered stationary.

If the orbit of relative motion is known from observations, then the sum of the masses of the components of the binary star can be determined. If the ratios of the semi-axes of the orbits of the motion of stars relative to the center of mass are known, then it is also possible to find the ratio of masses and, consequently, the mass of each star separately. This is the great importance of the study of binary stars in astronomy, which makes it possible to determine an important characteristic of a star - its mass, the knowledge of which is necessary for studying the internal structure of a star and its atmosphere.

Sometimes, based on the complex proper motion of a single star relative to background stars, one can judge that it has a companion that cannot be seen either because of its proximity to the main star or because of its much lower luminosity (dark companion). It was in this way that the first white dwarfs were discovered - the satellites of Sirius and Procyon, subsequently discovered visually.

Eclipsing variables are called such close pairs of stars that are inseparable when observed, in which the apparent magnitude changes due to eclipses of one component of the system periodically occurring for the observer by another. In such a pair, a star with a higher luminosity is called the main one, and with a smaller one, its companion. Bright representatives of stars of this type are the stars of Algol and Lyra.

Due to regularly occurring eclipses of the main star by the companion, as well as the satellite by the main star, the total apparent magnitude of the eclipsing variable stars periodically changes. A graph depicting the change in the radiative flux of a star over time is called a light curve. The point in time at which the star has the smallest apparent stellar magnitude is called the epoch of maximum, and the largest is called the epoch of minimum. The amplitude is the difference between the magnitudes at minimum and maximum, and the period of variability is the time interval between two successive maxima or minima. For Algol, for example, the variability period is slightly less than 3 days, and for Lyra, it is more than 12 days. By the nature of the light curve of an eclipsing variable star, one can find the elements of the orbit of one star relative to another, the relative sizes of the components, and sometimes even get an idea of ​​their shape. Currently, more than 4000 eclipsing variable stars of various types are known. The minimum known period is less than an hour, the largest is 57 years.

The double variable star Algol consists of a bluish large star and its small companion, which periodically closes the large Algol and reduces its brightness. On the right is a single red giant star. Photo from the site:

A binary star in the constellation Lyra. The matter of star A (its atmosphere) is torn off by the gravity of star B and absorbed by it. Photo and drawing from the site:

Close binary systems are such stellar pairs, the distance between which can be compared with their sizes. In this case, tidal interactions between the components of the system begin to play a significant role. The surfaces of both stars under the action of tidal forces cease to be spherical, the stars acquire an ellipsoidal shape and they have tidal humps directed towards each other, like lunar tides in the Earth's ocean. The shape taken by a body consisting of gas is determined by the surface passing through points with the same values ​​of the gravitational potential. Such stellar surfaces are called equipotential. If the outer layers of stars go beyond the inner Roche lobe, then spreading along the equipotential surfaces, the gas can, firstly, flow from one star to another, and, secondly, form a shell that encloses both stars. A classic example of such a system is the Lyrae star, whose spectral observations make it possible to detect both the common shell of a close binary and the gas flow from the companion to the main star.

This is what a close binary star looks like from one of the planets of this gravitational system. Figure from the site:

Change in brightness (m) of the star U Gemini. Dwarf novae, which include U Gemini, have an unstable accretion disk, which causes short-term outbursts lasting several days, during which there is an abrupt increase in brightness by several magnitudes. Time was measured in Earth days (abscissa axis). Graph from the site:

When one star obscures another, the overall luminosity of that system decreases.

When writing this page, information from the sites was also used:

1. Wikipedia. Access address:

2. All about Space. Access address:


5. Field physics.;


7. Grishaev A.A. The outer edge of the Kuiper belt is the boundary of solar gravity. Access address:

8. Savrin Victor.

9. Yurovitsky V.M. Astronautics requires new mechanics and a new understanding of gravity. Access address:

The interaction of the planets with each other

Let's analyze the question - how the planets interact with each other, being in the energy structural-holographic system.

The entire Cosmos on the subtle plane, as you already know, forms a structural constructive system built from certain energy volumes. These volumes are rigidly connected to each other in the form of geometric figures of varying degrees of complexity: from simple triangular pyramids to complex polyhedra. But the point here is that the very topology of space

on the subtle plane, it has not been studied by your science, and apart from the endless emptiness around the planets and stars, it does not accept anything and does not want to accept. But the time will come when your physicists and mathematicians will develop a mathematical model of the structure of the universe, where there will be no place in space for emptiness, where everything will be interconnected by certain configurative constructions, everything is interconnected and interdependent. And the deeper a person penetrates into the structure of the subtle space, the more this dependence and interaction increases, and the more it will be felt.

In your universe, space is built in such a way that all its structural elements are combined with the number seven, this is a septenary system. It is based on geometric figures that have the code beginning “7”, then “14, 21”, and so on, a multiple of seven.

That is, if seven is a heptahedron, then you imagine it, then all these figures go in increasing progression and from them, excluding any voids, the configurative basic structure of your septenary space is built.

Facets, which are energy transitions from one figure to another, are all adjacent, like honeycombs in a bee cell. In the same way, the entire network of your space is “woven”. It is still difficult for you to visualize it in volume, but everything can be quite simply simulated on a computer, and this system can be obtained.

In this configurative system, all faces are at strictly fixed angles with respect to each other. This clear arrangement of the edges explains the fact that an energy beam passes from one object to another with certain phases of increase and decay, which in your astrology is explained by aspects and orbits. The fact is that if an energy beam goes in a void, then it can only slightly scatter, but not weaken in any way, and even more so disappear, and then appear in a completely different quality.

This phenomenon exists in your astrology, and it is good that astrologers noticed this and introduced the concept of aspects. This system is correct and works quite tolerably, but does not explain the very mechanics of the existence of such interactions.

Everything is explained by the existence of a fine-energy configurative structure that distributes energy from object to object with the help of channels built in the form of so-called corridors formed by the faces of this subtle structure. If you look at the network of these channels, they are also located at certain angles in space, and you can get from one volume of space to another only through these channels, there are no other ways.

It is these channels that transfer energies from one planet to another, and if the planets fall into these channels in accordance with the angles (aspects) between them, they experience an intense energy exchange. The orbs depend on the width of the channel, and when the angle changes beyond the orbs, the energy exchange disappears, since there is darkness between the planets in the structure, there is no connection, everything is closed until the next channel or until the harmonic.

The article presents the hypothesis of the origin and maintenance of the magnetic field of the Earth and planets, considers the mechanism of the appearance of tides on the side of the Earth opposite from the Moon, discusses the possible causes of the appearance of forces that make the continents move, distort the shape of the Earth and create astronomical time jumps. The mechanism of earthquakes is proposed, as well as a version of the appearance of "magnetic tubes" on the Sun, the source of forces causing equatorial currents and winds is shown.

“Physical books are full of complicated mathematical formulas.

But the beginning of every physical theory is thoughts and ideas, not formulas.

A. Einstein

"That hypothesis which explains the existing world with the least number of presuppositions and means should have the advantage, for it has the least arbitrariness."

Empedocles (Law of economy in explaining nature).


The magnetic field of the Earth - without it there is no life on the planet, it protects all living things from the hostile dead space, the destructive effects of cosmic particles. The magnetic field changes the trajectory of their movement, directing the particles along the field lines. The need for a magnetic field for the existence of life narrows the circle of potentially habitable planets. It is difficult to enumerate the entire spectrum of the field's impact on the inhabitants of the planet, both people and animals use its properties, while there is no unequivocal answer in the scientific community about the mechanism of the appearance and maintenance of the field, as well as about the factors influencing its behavior.

One of the most common hypotheses explaining the nature of the field - the theory of the dynamo effect - suggests that the convective or turbulent movements of the conducting fluid in the core contribute to self-excitation and maintaining the field in a stationary state.

Although it is difficult to imagine that the core would always rise from the temperature in the same direction - if this convective movement or the turbulence arising from rotation was so constant as to maintain the effect of self-excitation, and even in one direction. Although the nature of turbulence is generally unclear - over time, in the absence of external forces, the internal matter of the Earth will also rotate uniformly along with the shell.

There is a hypothesis about the appearance of a field in the ionosphere due to the solar wind.

It is eaten by the flow of salt water in the oceans.

None of these theories can be applied to all the planets of the solar system without encountering contradictions.

So, for example, Jupiter, rotating around its axis in the same direction as the Earth, has a magnetic field directed opposite to the earth's, Venus and Mars do not have strong fields.

To consider the Earth as the owner of some unique properties inherent only to it is somehow not serious. After all, it is not the only one that has a magnetic field, and to invent for each planet its own mechanism that creates a field is also somehow “not right”, so what could be the matter?

This article presents the hypothesis of the appearance and maintenance of the planet's magnetic field, taking into account its own motion (tilt of the axis of rotation) along the solar ecliptic, the properties of the planet itself and satellites, if any. The "independence" of the outer shell of the planet from the processes occurring during the interaction of the planet with other bodies is shown, which allows the magnetic poles to "move" up to inversion.

An attempt to answer the following questions:

  1. What is the nature of the origin of the magnetic field of the Earth and planets?
  2. Why do tides also occur on the opposite side of the Earth from the Moon?
  3. Why is the moon turned one side to the earth?
  4. What forces make the continents move?
  5. What causes earthquakes?
  6. Why is the earth not round?
  7. What are the causes of abrupt changes in astronomical time
  8. What is the mechanism of occurrence of "killer waves"?
  9. Reasons for the appearance of a dip in the gravity graph when the Sun passes through the sky.
  10. What are the reasons for the emergence and maintenance of the main ocean currents and equatorial winds?

It led to the following hypothesis:

The main cause of all the phenomena listed above is the gravitational interaction of the satellite with the moving core of the planet.

The main proof of this hypothesis is taken as an explicit connection traced in the chain


for various planets of the solar system, given that each planet, in turn, is a satellite of the sun.

So you can see that:

  1. Planets with a satellite next to them, or several, have an effective magnetic field, and the field is small if there is no satellite (for example, Venus, Mercury - there are no satellites and the field is very small).
  1. If the planet is cooled down and does not have a liquid core, then there is no field

(example - the moon).

  1. The direction of the planet's magnetic field and its shape depend on the direction of rotation of both the planet itself in the ecliptic plane and the satellite's orbit around the planet (Mars, Uranus - the rotation of satellites is reversed and the field is reversed).
  1. In the presence of several satellites, the field becomes complex and the priority in the direction of the field brings a closer or more massive satellite (example - Uranus, Neptune).
  1. The direction of the main winds and the location of dust clouds on most planets of the solar system coincides with the direction of movement of the satellites of these planets.

Also, the fact that most of the satellites revolve around their planets with one side turned towards them, and the rotation of such planets as Venus and Mercury is synchronized with the movement of the Earth, suggests that cosmic bodies interact with each other not as bodies with a uniform distribution over the sphere. densities, but as bodies with displaced centers of mass. In this case, in the case of a liquid core, this center can move inside the solid shell of the planet.

If we imagine the Earth as a motionless ball filled with substances of different density and specific gravity, and the Moon as a source of gravitational force that acts on these substances, then it is obvious that heavier structures will “settle” to the shell of the ball closest to the Moon and the distribution over density and mass inside the Earth will be uneven not only in depth, but also in the direction of the satellite.


Fig 1. Mass distribution.

According to modern theories of the structure of the Earth, the substances below the lower mantle are in a liquid state (metal phase) - plasma - where the electrons are separated from the nuclei. But, since the nuclei are much heavier than electrons, it is obvious that they will fall into the “precipitate”. Then it turns out that inside the Earth's core there was a division not only in mass, but also in electrical potential. The core of the Earth has taken the form of a dipole with a significantly shifted center of mass, where the "+" and the main mass of the core are closer to the Moon.

When the Moon moves relative to the Earth, this part of the Earth's core will follow it and thereby create a directed movement of electrically charged particles and at the same time a circular, cyclic displacement of the Earth's center of mass relative to its shell.

G. Rowland (N. Rowland) in 1878 proved that the movement of charges on a moving conductor, in its magnetic action, is identical to the conduction current in a conductor at rest. Thus, the gimlet rule is quite suitable for our case, which is confirmed by the direction of movement of the part of the nucleus that carries a positive charge and the lines of force of the earth's magnetic field.

Naturally, the behavior of this charged nucleus is affected, except for the Moon, by all the planets, and especially by the Sun.

An additional confirmation of the hypothesis can be daily and annual changes in the direction of the magnetic field strength, i.e. dependence of the field on the position of the Earth relative to other objects of influence, which make adjustments to the separation by mass, charge and trajectory of the nucleus. (In the case of the currently accepted hypothesis, there should be no such influence.)

If we accept this hypothesis, then it becomes clear the appearance of a magnetic field near the Earth and its presence in other planets, including the Sun, where there are satellites and the absence where they are not (for example, Venus) or the planet has cooled down and does not have a liquid inner core (Moon) and a change in the polarity of the magnetic field with a changed direction of rotation of the satellite (s) - (Mars) or the presence of a complex field with a complex relationship of the planet with satellites - (Uranus, Neptune).

A good indicator of the influence of the motion of the planet-satellite system on the shape of the field can be a comparison of the fields of Jupiter and the Earth. Jupiter's field is more like a flat disk - most of its satellites rotate in regular circular orbits in the plane of the equator and the axis of rotation of the planet itself is slightly tilted, there are no seasons, and the Earth, whose field shape looks like a bull's-eye, while she herself oscillates relative to the plane of the ecliptic and the moon is far from ideally rotating around it.

Thus, the engine of the "dynamo" that creates the magnetic field of any planet with a liquid core is the total gravitational forces from satellites, the Sun and nearby planets, they also affect the shape of the field.

A comparison of the magnetic fields of the planets depending on the presence of satellites and their properties is given in the Appendix.

The generated magnetic field is supported by the magnetic properties of the planet's body, which "stabilizes" its behavior, and in some places distorts it, creating local anomalous areas.


In addition to the tides on the side of the Earth facing the Moon, there are tides on the opposite side, which are approximately the same in magnitude. The presence of such a phenomenon in the literature is explained by a decrease in the forces of attraction of the Moon and centrifugal forces that arise during the rotation of the Earth-Moon ligament. But then the moon would also have a tide on the far side, and would be there all the time. But it is known about the shift of the center of gravity on the Moon towards the Earth, and there is no tide on the invisible side.

If we compare the forces acting on the surface of the Earth at low tide (point 2) and high tide on the “shadow” part of the Earth from the Moon (point 1), then the forces of attraction in the “shadow” should be greater because to the attraction from the center of the Earth is added, albeit weakened, the attraction of the Moon and the level of the ocean in point 1 should be lower than the level at low tide in point 2, in fact it is almost the same as in point 3. How else can you explain this?

If we follow the hypothesis, then we can assume that the heavy part of the Earth's core, following the Moon, shifts so far from the opposite edge of the Earth that the square of the distance makes itself felt and the force of attraction from the core on the surface weakens, which causes a tidal effect. In other words, the force of attraction at a point on the Earth depends not only on the position of the Moon, but also on the Earth's center of mass following it. (This does not mean the common center of mass of the Earth-Moon bundle)

Figure 2. Forces acting on points on the surface of the Earth, with a uniform distribution of masses.

Rice. 3. Forces acting on points on the surface of the Earth, with a displaced center.

Apparently, once similar processes took place on the Moon. In the process of cooling, the heavy masses of internal matter were grouped mainly in the side of the planet facing the Earth, thus turning the Moon into a kind of "Roly-Vstanka", forcing it to turn towards us with the same heavy side.

This is also confirmed by the fact that earlier, and this is known, it had a strong magnetic field, and now only a residual one.

Thus, the force of gravity of the Earth not only keeps (together with the force of attraction of the Moon) the Moon in the orbit of the satellite, but also makes it turn, and energy is spent on this.

The same core causes the Earth to "bulge" along the equator, giving it a shape other than a ball. The same buckling is characteristic of Jupiter with its high rotational speed around its axis, where centrifugal forces also help.

A similar phenomenon seems to occur with the Sun and its satellites, the planets.

If we imagine that this “heavy” center of the Sun, following the satellite planets, “floats” to the surface with a strong attraction of the planets and at the same time is a charged electric potential and is in motion, then this can lead to the appearance of “magnetic tubes” on the surface '- i.e. to the exit points of both poles of the magnetic field.

The well-known "solar cycle", equal to approximately 11 years and having an almost regular recurrence, changes in the magnetic field of the star and the number of spots, is difficult to explain by some internal reasons, although they try (Babcock H.W. model), but, the only thing that has at least some kind of cyclicity is the rotation of the planets around the sun. So it is probably more logical to connect the periodicity of cycles with the positions of the satellite planets relative to the star. It would be nice to make a comparative analysis of the max and min solar activity and the position of the planets.


In the literature, the nature of equatorial currents is usually explained by winds constantly blowing in the same direction, and the nature of winds is explained by the heating of the surface and the rotation of the Earth. Of course, all this affects both the ocean and the air masses, but, in my opinion, the main influence is exerted by the gravitational force from the moving ligaments the core of the earth - the Moon, the core of the earth - the Sun, in the gravitational influence of which everything that is between them and carried along with it falls into East to West. This should not be seen as a hard-wired process, but rather like stirring a teaspoon in a large saucepan in one direction—not hard, but long and gentle.

Or it can be compared as if you put a metal ball under the tablecloth and drive a magnet over it, the ball will move, and the tablecloth will rise and fall and move a little - if it has such an opportunity.


The nature of earthquakes still does not have a clear answer.

It is possible that it could look like this:

A little fantasy

Where will the body located in the center of the planet be attracted at the slightest deviation from the center?

With an uneven distribution of matter in density, if we consider that the closer to the center, the denser, it will be like in a textbook - to the center, but who will attract it there, what forces? There must be matter with infinite density, but it looks like science fiction, especially since the gravity vector will go somewhere through 0 anyway.

If the Earth had the form of an empty sphere, then there would be no gravitational force inside it, and a point inside the Earth would be affected by the force of attraction from external bodies - the Moon, the Sun, etc. and this point would tend to follow in the direction of the total vector of forces from these bodies.

If the Earth had a uniform distribution of matter in density, then if this matter is liquid, it would be the same.

In both cases, the matter inside the solid shell will be attracted to this shell from the inside in the direction of external forces from extraneous planets.

All this is said without taking pressure into account, but let's see how pressure can behave during immersion - naturally, it first grows - the mass "overhead" increases, but then the forces of attraction decrease and the pressure slowly "stabilizes" and a closed space is obtained with approximately the same pressure throughout volume and its influence may turn out to be small compared to gravitational forces - as in ordinary life - an atmospheric column presses on all of us and does not prevent the forces of gravity from dropping an apple to the ground.

So it turns out that the Earth inside can be, as it were, “empty” and have the same density distribution of substances as on the surface - solid-liquid, and all this at enormous pressure and temperature.

Now, if we imagine that this red-hot mass, influenced by various, sometimes adding, sometimes subtracting gravitational forces from various planets, moves along the “inner” surface of the Earth, constantly mixes up, stumbles upon bumps. At the same time, the inner part of the Earth's crust is constantly exposed to the impact, which is transmitted to the tectonic plates, forcing them to gradually move, thereby moving the continents. This is also confirmed by the fact that the continents move in the latitudinal direction (East-West) and almost do not move in the longitudinal direction (South-North).

At times, the forces add up in such a way that parts of this core fall into the 0th central zone of gravity and, breaking away from the main mass, “fall” to the opposite side of the ball, which may well cause earthquakes.

A very good interpretation for such a case is the behavior of water in weightlessness, taken by American astronauts

The solar system consists of planets with their satellites, asteroids, comets, small meteoroids, cosmic dust. The laws of motion and origin of all these bodies are inextricably linked with the central object of the system - the Sun. The main force that controls the movement of the planets and binds together the solar system is the electrical force of the sun. At the same time, two signs are characteristic of the bodies of the solar system.

First, the body, due to its kinetic energy, cannot overcome the forces of solar attraction and leave the solar system.

Secondly, a body belonging to the solar system must always be in the region of the prevailing attraction of the Sun.

Note that for all planets with their satellites, asteroids, almost all comets located in the sphere of action of the Sun, both conditions are met. Data on the orbits and some physical properties of the planets that are the main members of the solar system are given in Table 3.1.

All planets revolve around the Sun in the same plane, roughly coinciding with the plane of the solar equator, and move in the same direction, coinciding with the direction of the axial rotation of the Sun (counterclockwise, if you look at the solar system from the north celestial pole).

However, there is a very large disproportion in the distribution of mass and angular momentum between the Sun and the planets, if these parameters are determined according to the well-known "Newton's law of gravitation". So, according to this law, the specific (per unit mass) angular momentum of the planets is greater than that of the Sun, on average 35 10 3 times. In accordance with the above signs for the existence of the solar system, such a deviation from the law of motion should have led to its destruction. This circumstance is an insurmountable obstacle for current physics, although there have been attempts to explain such a violation of the law of conservation of angular momentum using magnetohydrodynamics.

Fractal physics allows solving this problem and determining the real parameters of the planets. The author established the global law of universal interaction (formulated in Section 3.1) and, as a consequence, determined the local law of gravity. The essence of the local law of gravitation lies in the fact that the interaction of charged masses of substances in the Universe is carried out by electromagnetic force through a thin

space structure. Gravitational interaction is a distinguishable effect of a single fundamental electromagnetic interaction.

It was revealed (see paragraph 3.1) that the Sun is a star with a positive electric charge equal to + 3.3 10 14 C. The electric negative charge of the planets is created both by the method of electrostatic induction of the star, and by the ionization of atoms or molecules of the substances of the planets, caused by the absorption of quanta of the electromagnetic radiation of the Sun. Note that the energy of quanta does not depend on the distance, however, as the distance increases, the number (density) of light particles decreases. Table 3.1 presents the results of calculations, taking into account the established mechanism for creating the charge of planets. The Earth's charge -5.7 10 5 C is created by the electrostatic induction of the Sun, because the ozone layer of its atmosphere does not transmit X-rays. However, X-ray radiation is the main source of creating the charge of the planets of the Jupiter group, because the effect in creating the charge of these planets by the method of electrostatic induction is insignificant. Electrostatic induction determines in this case the direction (sign) of ionization. Therefore, the Earth (and other planets), by analogy with the passage of light through a lens, should be considered as an electric lens, and not a source of an electric field. Misunderstanding of this phenomenon has led to the greatest delusion of modern physics regarding the nature of gravitation (gravitation). After all, the effect of the negative charge of the Earth occurs in a mostly positively charged atmosphere, so the strength of the Earth's electric field drops rapidly as you move away from it. The reason for this is that the positive charge of the atmosphere compensates only in local areas for the influence of the negative charge of the Earth, caused by the positive charge of the Sun +3.3 10 14 C. However, the global and almost instantaneous effect of the Earth's charge through the structure

space is, in principle, infinite, which is confirmed by the movement of the positively charged Moon at a speed of 1.03 km/s, revolving around the planet at a distance of 384.4 10 6 m. The movement of the Moon is caused by the charge of the Earth -5.7 10 5 C ).

In addition, we note that due to the destruction of the Earth and the ozone layer by nuclear explosions and rocket launches, the electric field near the earth's surface (the average vertical gradient of the electric potential) has changed and is about 150 V/m; Let us recall: earlier the average electric field of the Earth was about 130 V/m (see Table 3.1). This causes a change in the parameters of the Earth's orbital motion and, as a result, will lead to global climate change and loss of the atmosphere. Such a process is confirmed by observations: over the past twenty years, the Earth's atmosphere has lost 20 mm of its pressure, and the power of gamma radiation on a sunny summer day in 1998 in Moscow was 13 in the morning and 26 μR/h by noon. The geophysical satellite system (see below) recorded an increasing acceleration of the Earth's orbit. In the near future, the acceleration of circulation will be 0.01 seconds. In accordance with formula (3.2), such a change in the period of revolution determines a decrease in the radius of the planet's orbit by 3.6 million km, one might say, the wandering of the planet to such a value.

The geophysical satellite system consists of three spacecraft belts separated by 120° and located at an altitude of 20,000 km. One of the belts is oriented towards the galactic center. This allows you to control various changes in the magnetic field of the center of the Galaxy, the electric and magnetic fields of the Earth, its ozone layer, solar activity, etc. The main information sensor is a quartz resonator. The measurements are carried out by comparing on-board data with a ground standard.

Thanks to such a geophysical system, not only the acceleration of the Earth's orbit was registered, but also a deceleration of rotation around the axis by 0.001 seconds. The change in the rotational regime of the Earth is associated with an increase in the strength of the electrical interaction of the planet with the Sun as a result of the destruction of the ozone layer. This satellite system made it possible once again to present gravity and electricity as two different forms of the same entity.